English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2023-03-14 12:26:59 | Workbook

1 ran into problems : [B2]to encounter unexpectedly: run into problems/difficulties
3 ruled out the possibility : exclude, eliminate, prevent, reject..
4 ended in failure
5 rose to the challenge [phase] they act in response to a difficult situation which is new to them and are successful

0 Possibility: distinct possibility, remote possibility, strong possibility
1 Chance: fair chance, realistic chance, slim chance
2 Problem: potential problem, recurrent problem, trivial problem
3 Challenge: daunting challenge, exciting challenge, fresh challenge
5 Success: overnight success, roaring success, huge success
6 Failure: continued failure, dismal failure, inevitable failure  dismalは先週ブログに取り上げたばかりなのに。。マジでdismal failureだわ。
8 Achievement: major achievement, remarkable achievement, sporting achievement

0 questioning the wisdom of signing the goalkeeper: the wisdom of the decision/action: prudence, reason
wise > wisdom
10 achieved notoriety for failing a drugs test
notorious > notoriety
question/doubt wisdomとかachieve notorietyとか動詞に惑わされます

試験頻出Word Formation 綴りを間違うな
relevant > irrelevant > irrelevance

proposals, requirements

単語 - なんども出てきてなんども忘れてる
resounding: resounding victory, resounding success 発音
daunting: intimidating, alarming, frightening, discouraging 発音
adolescence:period of your life in which you develop from being a child into being an adult 発音
notorious: well-known for some bad or unfavourable quality, deed > notoriety 発音

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