English for apes

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Liam Gallagher interview

2024-08-28 00:58:39 | Listening
The interview like this is one of the listening sections of Cambridge English Test. I need to be able to catch these conversation if I take the test.

LG interview - not official clip [added] the interviewer is Jo Whiley.

- [join us then for] another In Concert. very special one this time and this is the man [who's going to be] leading the way. [it's] Liam Gallagher.
- You right?
I'm good, yeah
- I've got your set list in front of me now. so I can look [through and see] what you're playing tonight [for] the concert. How did you get put [this] together? what [were] you thinking as you chose the song[s]?
Always got to start [with] Rock N Roll Star [that's the must and then] followed by Morning Glory [and] I think [it's] like [a] football match. [if] you can get [if] you can score six goals [in the] first half I'm not saying [you take your foot off the gas of that] you know whatI mean [in the] second half [if] you don't win [if] you just win six and [that and it's] kind [of] I think for me you got [to] come out [blazing] man
- so where do you go to [in] your head [when you're] doing [this] nostalgic stuff [with] slide away [some might say]do you feel sad when you do those songs or do you [feel] proud?
Just emotional you know I mean I don't feel sad cause oasis [by oasis was] not [a] sad thing [it was] it was glorious you know what I mean it was like [nothing to be] sad [about man it gave me a] great life [I went] around the world [and met] loads of great people [and still doing it] today so [there's] nothing to be sad [about it's] pure [euphoric] I just want to [do the] song [of justice and] sing them as good as I can you know what I mean
- and, [when] you're doing
I mean I never really actually I never wrote [them so] it's hard for me [to get] really attached [to] I don't know what it about you know what I mean but all I know is that they mean a lot [to] people so [I kind of just] want to just give that emotion to what it is you know what I mean
- [tell me] about [a] gig that you did [where there was] someone really famous someone [that meant] a lot to you so you went out [when you went out there] you were really quite terrified
Ringo come to see us once that's right [all right] Ringo come see us in the Hammersmith Apollo 'cause Zak was in the band [and I couldn't it] he come backstage when I [to leg it out of the room I was going look and he went] 'where are you going' I said 'I can't handle you man' just got give us a shout I was like 'give me a shout when he's gone
- what's the most difficult song for you to sing
if you talk about Live Forever [man] Live Forever that always reminds my mum even though she's still here and that you know what I mean just just that's tough one I think
- she means everything to you?
[Without doubt yeah] she just wants me to stop swearing that is her main thing she's not my [ ] if I have another hit or whatever [or do whatever or she's not in] just stop swearing. I'm sick [of it]
- so why are you still swearing?
cause I like it, [my know] I like swearing
-[have you got] family coming down tonight?
[um] I got my kid coming, Gene's here now, obviously, [my missus] here, my mum she's not interesting [in any of this non sense]
- so she will [be] watch[ing on the Red Button]
Obviously she'll be doing all that
- excellent [all right] have fun

take your foot off the gas [Cambridge]to do something with less effort and determination
euphoric [Collins]If you are euphoric, you feel intense happiness and excitement.
my missus = my wife

CC cannot catch Oasis, Hammersmith and Zak, but Ringo! CC also cannot catch mum or missus. CC is American.
Gene is his son. Red Button must be BBC Red Button. I thought the interview was about BBC Radio2 In Concert, but Red Button is for telly... Red Button sounds old technology and LG looks younger.
Anyway, I'm much worse than CC. It's difficult to write down fast casual conversation.

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