English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

[U6] Use of English1

2023-01-23 20:53:14 | Workbook
仕事が忙しすぎ。今日も日本で何が起きたのか知らない。まあいい。Use of Englishが深刻。マジでやばい。

rife : predicative adjectives - speculation is rife, corruption is rife
bodily : attribute adjectives - bodily functions, bodily needs

mortal > immortal > immortalise
mortal > mortality > immortality
portray > portrayal
debate > debatable
descend > descendant
conclude > conclusive > inconclusive
dispute > disputable > indisputable
adjでは disputed > undisputed もあるみたいですが..
remain > remains nounの時はplural

The Remains of the Day
James Ivory繋がりでJulian Sandsは心配ですが。私のUse of Englishもかなり危険な状況。無事生還できるといいのですが。

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