English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-08-24 14:53:29 | Reading - gossip
This is for note to self. It's suspicious and untoward, even the police denies. Is is just coincident??

Death of tycoon's ex-partner not 'untoward' - police

[quote]Mr Lynch and Mr Chamberlain were business partners and had been defendants in a fraud trial in the United States earlier this year.[unquote]

[quote]He studied at Cambridge University and in 1991, helped establish Cambridge Neurodynamics - a firm which specialised in using computer-based detection and recognition of fingerprints. Autonomy was created five years later, using a statistical method known as "Bayesian inference" at the core of its software.[unquote]
Bayesian inference - the name of the yacht is came from his business

‘She was easy to love’: friends and family pay tribute to Hannah Lynch

easy to love - slang

This article contains various words of praise. It's a shame to lose her. Poor she.

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