English for apes

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2023-07-24 06:33:37 | Reading - not classified
Alderneyは前に取り上げたJack Higgins原作の映画で出てきました。

‘No more cover-up’: Nazi concentration camps on Channel Island finally to be officially investigated

基本単語 いい加減覚えろな単語だらけ
barbarity - Nazi barbarity
contest - the number of victims has been contested
[Collins] If you contest a statement or decision, you object to it formally because you think it is wrong or unreasonable.
flee persecution - father fled Nazi persecution in Germany
[Collins] refugees who have fled from wars, famine and persecution / refugees fleeing persecution or torture.
envoy - he UK’s Holocaust envoy Lord PicklesってEric Picklesのこと?
[..]I thought it sensible for everyone to put the facts on the table, for it all to be transparent and for the deliberations to be in the open. It seemed pointless people shouting across at each other.[..]
population - the British population of Alderney was evacuated
round up
run into - the numbers killed by the Nazis did not run into thousands
appalling - appallingly

British crown dependency
Nazi concentration camps
Atlantic Wall
Vernichtung durch Arbeit - extermination through labour これをやられているような気がする
Drancy transit camp



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