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昔話・その6 続き  6 Following the old tale,

2013-06-20 10:05:09 | 昔話

ある時、父がコツを教えてくれました。向こう岸に目印となるものを置いてそれに向かって、ただそれだけを見て運転しろということでした。それまでは、前を見て、後ろを見て横を見てと一生懸命曲がらないよう、細心の注意を払ってもダメでしたが、それからは真っ直ぐに引けるようになりました。何を見て進むのかが大事だなと思いました。人生もイエス様とビジョンから目を離さないで歩めたら幸いですね。(私はよそ見が多いので、主よ助けてください!)   kosuda  写真はレタス畑

Once, my father taught me the ropes. It was towards it at a serves as a landmark to the other side, and white driving just to see it. Look at the front, so that it does not bend hard to be looking at the side to see the back, until it was no good paying close attention, but it was able to play straight from it. I think Na's important in order to check the advance what to see. I hope you Ayume life also keep an eye and vision Jesus. (Because I often look away,! Please help Lord) photo kosuda lettuce field

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昔話・その6  6 the old tale,

2013-06-20 09:45:34 | 昔話

高校を卒業して家業をついだばかりの頃でした。春は肥料を入れて畑を耕したあと、うね立てをします。100mくらいある畑をトラクターで立てていくのですが、中々真っ直ぐに引けません。となりの幼なじみがやってきて、「お前のうね立て、へったくそ♪」と歌われ、私もとなりにいって「お前のうね立て、へったくそ♪」とお互いにけなしあっていました。(≧∇≦)  続く  写真は現代のトラクター(今はキャビン付き・冷房付きです)

It was time to just took over the family business after graduating from high school. After plowing the field to put the fertilizer, and the ribbing spring. It is going to stand in a field tractor with about 100m, but it is not closed to people in straight. Childhood friend next door came, and sung "ribbing of you, Hettakuso ♪" and it had each other unfavorably with each other "ribbing of you, Hettakuso ♪" and I also went to the next. photo (≧ ∇ ≦) followed by (with cabin is and cooling with now) tractor modern

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昔話•その5続き  5 Following the old tale

2013-06-15 19:45:51 | 昔話

量の多いのに気付き、「もしかして売ってるの?」と言われ、うなずくと「こんな小さな子どもに売らせにくるなんて、なんてひどい親だ!」と言われます。私たちはそうじゃないと言おうとしますが言葉が上手く出てきません。同情した人たちが買ってくれて、食べると「甘ーい!」と驚き、それを見ていた人たちが買いに来て、リュックにいっぱいだったトウモロコシはあっと言う間に売れてしまいます。私たちはこのパターンで何度も売り切って、凱旋将軍のような顔をして家に帰ったものでした。両親は人との関係が少ない田舎で社会勉強をさせるため、祈って送り出してくれたようです。 写真は八ヶ岳と作付前の畑

Noticed in many of the amount, it is said to be "?'re Selling any chance", and is generally considered to be "! Awful parent Nante, Nante come to not sell to such a small child," and nodded. We are trying to say that it not it, but words do not come out well. People who have compassion bought me, to surprise the "sweet that good!" If you eat, people who were watching it come to buy, corn was full to Luc will get sold quickly . We did things that are closed out many times in this pattern, and went home with a face like a triumphant general. Order to study the social relations in the countryside with people is small, seems to me turned out to pray parents. Picture of field planting before and Yatsugatake

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昔話•その5  5 the old tale

2013-06-15 19:41:26 | 昔話


山の上に着くと岩の上にトウモロコシを広げますが、人が来ても恥ずかしくて声をかけられません。それで、持ってきたトウモロコシを赤いほっぺたをした3人で食べていると、「君たち、美味しそうだねー!」といろんな人たちが声をかけてくれます。 • • 続き kosuda

In farming, in the entrance school bag, I was helping to go to the field as soon as you come home from school when I was a child.Child was a powerful force.

When it comes to fall, by passing the corn boiled, my father gave me out to earn Do you not call. With a corn my parents made me have three people on the five brothers, climbed mountain in the hiking trails nearby. It is to sell to people who come to the tourist from Tokyo. 

Spread the corn on a rock When I arrived on the mountain, but I can not call out people are ashamed even to come. So, when I eat three people with red cheeks and corn brought, many people will take care of call out "You! Ne look delicious" he said. • • Continued kosuda

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2013-06-13 23:01:03 | 昔話

次男がまだ、小学校低学年くらいの時、「お父さん、しゅーまつ(終末)って、主を待つからしゅーまつって言うの?」真面目に聞かれ、大笑いしました。でもあとで、間違えてるけど、ポイントをついてるなーと感心しました。親としては嬉しかったです。 (^_-)-☆ kosuda

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昔話・その4 続き  4 Following the old tale,

2013-06-11 20:57:32 | 昔話

教会に戻れたあと、その長野の牧師さんが他のところへ転任が決まりました。牧師さんは引越しの時、段ボール箱を一つくださって、「私の背広だけど良かったら着てください」と渡してくださいました。家に帰って喜んで開けてみると、古い背広ばかりでした。当時は襟の広いのが流行っていましたが、入っていたのは襟の狭いのばかりでした。私は「これじゃチャップリンだよー!」と言って一人で笑ってしまいました。その瞬間、急にポロポロと涙がこぼれ始めたのです。笑っているのに、涙が次々に出てくるのです。どうしたのかと思ったその時、(聖霊によって)私はわかったんです。牧師と教会が私のために祈ってくれていたということを。その後、また、涙が出て止まりませんでした。私は自分のことは誰も気にかけてくれていないと思っていましたが、私が教会を離れている時も祈っていてくれた方がいたのでした。 kosuda

After return to the church, the pastor's Nagano was decided a change of post to elsewhere. When moving, by giving me one of the cardboard box, clergyman was please pass "It's my suit, but please wear when it is good" he said. When I opened it willing to go home, it was just old suit. I was in fashion's wide collar at the time, but had entered it was just the narrow collar. I laughed alone to say! "Yo think this is Chaplin". At that moment, tears like rain is I started spilling suddenly. And even though the laughing, tears are coming out one after the other. At that time I thought what's going on, (the Holy Spirit) I'm found. That church and pastor that had me praying for me. Also then, it did not stop the tears out. I was do not think anyone will have me over to the care of myself, but did were some people who just praying even when I'm away from the church. kosuda

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昔話・その4  4 the old tale,

2013-06-11 20:47:59 | 昔話

高校を卒業して長野にいた時、通っていた教会はバイブルキャンプ場でした。夏場やお正月はたくさんの人が来ていて賑やかですが、牧師と話したり、悩みを聞いてもらうなどという時間はない状況でした。オフの時に普通の教会みたいになるという感じでした。また、当時の牧師さんは元ガラス職人で丁稚からたたき上げたという一見厳しい感じの人でした。私はしばらくは教会に通っていましたが、農家は日曜に出荷があることや、家庭の問題・農業の仕事の厳しさもあって、だんだんと教会から遠のいてしまいそして完全に離れてしまいました。しかし、ある年の冬に埼玉にバイトに行ったことをきっかけにまた教会に戻ることができました。    続く・・・ kosuda

When I was in Nagano after graduating from high school, Church was attending was a Bible camp site. New Year and summer is a bustling There were lots of people who came, it was not a situation of time to talk to the pastor, and that such get to hear the trouble.It was felt that to become a church like normal when off. In addition, the pastor at that time was a man of strict seemingly feeling that has worked his way up from apprentice under glass craftsman. I was attending a church for a while, and that there be shipped to Sunday, partly severity of the work in question and agricultural household, farmer I have away completely and would Tonoi from the church more and more . However, I was able to return to the church also in the wake of that went to the bytes in Saitama in the winter of some years.  · · · Kosuda continue 

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昔話・その3 続き  3 Following the old tale

2013-06-04 20:37:56 | 昔話


But at that time, and has been a gesture of wanting to pull to come held out my head what. So I was pulling it boldly across with pliers and gingerly (in readiness from being scratched too much of a pain). I was a stand shivering If you think you or acting violently. Then the white cat recovered vigor, was the most longevity even while being threatened every day from the father. 
It is Omowasa each time it reminds me of Bonn at the time, also human beings, people who rely on God, those who take refuge in recognition of weakness and I must do blessed.

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昔話・その3   3 the old tale

2013-06-04 20:26:55 | 昔話

私が中学生の頃、我が家は野良猫を拾っては飼っていました。でも皆、長生きしませんでした。田舎で野犬にやられたり、銃で撃たれたりするのが原因です。ある時、オスの白い猫を飼いましたが、ネズミが屋根裏で運動会をしていても、動こうとしないのでボンクラのボンと呼ばれ、父からは「殺す」(これは本気)と度々脅されていました。そんなある日、空気銃の球を頭に受けて帰ってきました。 これで終わりだと思いました。  続く• •     kosuda     写真は今飼っているネコ、みーちゃん。

When I was a junior high school, I had kept it picked up a stray cat to my home. But all did not live long. It is a cause or beaten to wild dogs in the country, is to or been shot with a gun. Once, I bought a white cat in male, but is referred to as the Bonn of dumb-ass rat be in the athletic meet in the attic, because it does not budge, often threatening from the father "kill" (this is serious) and had been. I came back in response to head Then one day, a ball of air gun. I think it's the end of it.

• • kosuda    photo subsequent cat now

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昔話・その2  2 the old tale,

2013-06-02 23:42:00 | 昔話


しかし、雪が阻んで中々進まず、途中の踏切に来た時、日に何本もない列車(SL)が通り過ぎようとしていました。その時父は踏切の前に立って手を振って止まってくれるよう合図しました。そうしましたらなんと止まってくれて乗せてもらえました(今だったら大罰金?)。 今は素晴らしい運転手さんと父の信仰のこと、自分の身を投げ出してくださったイエス様のことを思います。     写真は当時使っていた畜舎  kosuda

 I was just sick when I was a child would look like pneumonia on a winter day and walked toward the station my father to piggyback me to go to the hospital.However, while we can not proceed snow hinders, when it came to crossing in the middle, (SL) was trying to Torisugiyo train there is nothing to this day. He was signaled to Can you stop shaking hands standing in front of the railroad crossing at that time. (Large fine you were now?) That had you put to me what stopped when it does so. I think that the faith of the great father and the driver's, that of Jesus who have dumped her body now. Picture kosuda barn which was being used at that time



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