尻尾で遊んでいたら、思いきり後ろ足で蹴られ、10mくらい空に舞ったことがありました。あれ以来、大きい動物の後ろに回ることはしなくなりました。(≧∇≦) kosuda
尻尾で遊んでいたら、思いきり後ろ足で蹴られ、10mくらい空に舞ったことがありました。あれ以来、大きい動物の後ろに回ることはしなくなりました。(≧∇≦) kosuda
そして、人々を天国へ導くための働きは素晴らしい! (k)
When I was a child, and the music of "The Great Escape", brave Steve McQueen was longing to manly.
Himself seems to have been eventful life, but after becoming a cancer, was saved to believe in Jesus.
Superstar is also great, but it can go to heaven It is a great addition.
And, working for leading to heaven the people's great! (k)
農業をしていた時は天気が勝負でした。毎日、苗を植える時などは「曇っていて植え終わったら雨が降るようにしてください。」など、都合の良い祈りをしていましたが、多く答えられました。ところが、ある夏の暑い日に、消防団の大会があったのですが、暑さの中で具合が悪くなってしまい、これは倒れると思いました。一人一人に役割があるので、自分だけ抜けるわけにもいかず、意識が遠のき始めていました。その時、また、神さまに「どうか雲を与えてください」と祈りました。雲ひとつない晴天でまったく無理な状況でしたが、その時奇蹟が起りました。太陽だけを隠す小さな雲が現れたのです!私は驚いて目を疑いました。でもそのおかげで体も楽になり、のりこえることができました。神さまを本当に畏れました。 kosuda 写真は植え付け前の畑、右奥が私の家です。
The weather was the game when it was agriculture. Every day, the "rain. Please do fall When you have finished planting was cloudy" and, I was a prayer convenient, such as when to plant seedlings, but it was answered many.However, I thought in a hot day one summer, I had the tournament of fire brigade, but the condition has become worse in the heat, this is a fall. Because there is a role to one person, it is not even afford to not only escape their consciousness was beginning to keep away from him. Also, when, that, I prayed as "Please give if cloud" to God. It was a totally impossible situation in the clear sky cloudless, but the miracle has occurred at that time. Small clouds hide the sun only is appeared! I could not believe my eyes in surprise. But I was able to body is also easier thanks to that, to overcome. I really fear God. kosuda photo is the house of my field before planting, is right back.
Word was heard in my mind clearly at that time. "Disease also, if you get better, you. You are going the way you want to go for you," I was allowed to startled. Myself had thought as if it were a good Christian and going to church, and owes a cross, but it actually was alive for self-realization, the mind has been noticed that it was far away from God really was. Cross the real realized that Jesus was owed me, at that time, I have truly repented before Jesus.And I prayed to be as God to subdue. Led heart was heavy like that is made lightly from time to time, and that go to Tokyo through the Word was was given
結婚してすぐのころ、慢性膵炎(すいえん)になり仕事ができなくなってしまいました。そんなある朝明け方に夢(幻かわかりませんが)を見ました。砂浜のようなところをおなかをかかえながら「痛い、痛い」と言いながら歩いていました。(夢の中でもおなかが痛み)うつむいて歩いていました。そして「自分はいつも損な役ばかりだ。(兄弟が大学を卒業して)やっとこれから楽ができると思った時なのに・・」とつぶやいて歩いていました。その時、目の前に人の足(かかと)が見えました。私ひとりだと思っていたのでびっくりして目をあげると、十字架を負ったイエス様が前を歩いておられました。イエス様は私の方に振り向くこうとされず、黙って十字架を負って歩いていました。 ・・続く kosuda
I was just, I will not be able to work to become chronic pancreatitis (spray) have been married. I saw the (do not know or an illusion) dream at dawn one morning like that.I was walking while saying it "hurts, it hurts," and while suffering a stomach the place, such as sand. I was walking (stomach pain, even in the dream) on the head down. And I was walking muttering "I've just role a loss always. ... But such when you thought (brothers graduated from college) to be able to be comfortable now finally" he said.At that time, (heel) I saw legs of the person in front of you. To give your eyes in amazement, he was to walk before Jesus suffered the cross because it was thought that I'm alone. Is not are trying to turn around to me, Jesus was walking to bear the cross in silence. · · Kosuda to follow