ブログ「コンサートは続くよ ♫ 」は昨日終了しました。ご覧ください➡️ http://fjconcert140929.blogspot.jp/?m=0
A blog about the concerts was over yesterday. If you want to visit it, click above URL.
ブログ「コンサートは続くよ ♫ 」は昨日終了しました。ご覧ください➡️ http://fjconcert140929.blogspot.jp/?m=0
A blog about the concerts was over yesterday. If you want to visit it, click above URL.
28日に行われた、風のひびきミニコンサートの映像はこちらです。是非、ご覧下さい⇒ http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/53252718
You can see a video of Sound of the wind mini concert from this URL.
ブログ「エルサレムの平和を祈る集い・当日に向けてカウントダウン」がアップされています。是非、ご覧下さい⇒ http://astone.tv/events/jerusalem2014/
A blog of Prayer for the peace of Jerusalem is uploaded is uploaded. Have a look.
台湾チームが無事帰国しました。お祈りを感謝します。ブログはこちら➡️ http://antiochblog.jp/mission/taiwan201409/
Taiwan team came back to Japan safe and sound. Thank you for your prayer. You can check the blog from above URL. The photo show how they did a street live in Taiwan, there Gifts met a Taiwanese who bought Gifts' CD in Japan.
This morning, we had a gospel concert at a nursing home.
This was the third time, but it was not same day of the week, so most audience were first time to listen to our gospel. One of our church members who uses this nursing home, came and join the concert, she was so glad.
Also, all the staffs welcomed us.