3thJulyにほんじかん23:00にkick Ofをむかえ+ニドイツVSマラドーナ戦はドイツが4-0で圧勝しまし+ニ
I love Messi belongs to Argentin but a victory of Germany gave many people special feelings.
German who stays in all over the world mustn't be proud of their nation again.
It was surprised Frau Merkel came to watch that game.
Any way I and many my friends were in filled with happiness.
Danke von Dt!
I love Messi belongs to Argentin but a victory of Germany gave many people special feelings.
German who stays in all over the world mustn't be proud of their nation again.
It was surprised Frau Merkel came to watch that game.
Any way I and many my friends were in filled with happiness.
Danke von Dt!