第5回 日本腎臓リハビリテーション学会
共催 第5回 日本腎臓リハビリテーション学会・株式会社 グッドケア
水口 潤 先生
川島病院 院長
峰島 三千男 先生
東京女子医科大学病院 臨床工学科 教授
齊藤 正和 先生
榊原記念病院 理学療法科 科長
2015年3月21日(土) 17:00~18:00
都市センターホテル 6F 606会場
<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/WUcBuOgdxcs" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe>
Assessment of arterial stiffness in hypertension: comparison of oscillometric (Arteriograph), piezoelectronic (Complior) and tonometric (SphygmoCor) techniques.
Noor A Jatoi, Azra Mahmud, Kathleen Bennett, John Feely
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Trinity College Centre for Health Sciences and Hypertension Clinic, St. James's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
Journal of hypertension (impact factor: 4.02). 10/2009; 27(11):2186-91. DOI:10.1097/HJH.0b013e32833057e8
Source: PubMed
ABSTRACT Arterial stiffness, measured as aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV), and wave reflection, measured as augmentation index (AIx), are independent predictors for total and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to compare a new device
Noor A Jatoi, Azra Mahmud, Kathleen Bennett, John Feely
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Trinity College Centre for Health Sciences and Hypertension Clinic, St. James's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
Journal of hypertension (impact factor: 4.02). 10/2009; 27(11):2186-91. DOI:10.1097/HJH.0b013e32833057e8
Source: PubMed
ABSTRACT Arterial stiffness, measured as aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV), and wave reflection, measured as augmentation index (AIx), are independent predictors for total and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to compare a new device
Arteriograph- Comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment in only 3 minutes! - A medical breakthrough in early diagnostics of atherosclerosis!
A big problem today is that many individuals with high risk of cardiovascular diseases otherwise have normal values; normal blood pressure, blood lipids and resting-EKG. The catastrophe strikes without any prior warning. The Arteriograph is an evidence based, fast, easy, noninvasive and user independent way of assessing cardiovascular risk. For the first time one have a good chance of finding high risk patient before it is too late.
1. Screening of early atherosclerosis among ”healthy” individuals. Only the Arteriograph is useful for this. The Arteriograph gives an overall picture of the risk of assessing cardiovascular disease.
2. Evaluating the effects of treatments (drugs, nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes etc) on the vascular functions among patients with established atherosclerosis (CAD, POST MI, STROKE, PAD)
3. Is it not enough to check the blood lipids and blood pressure to prevent atherosclerosis and thereby strokes? No, 40-60% of patients with stroke or heart attacks do not have any know abnormal values such as high amount of blood lipids or high blood pressure (Johns Hopkins White Papers, Coronary Heart Disease - 1998, etc). They also have normal blood glucose values, resting-EKG, are non-smokers and have a healthy diet. Up until now it has been impossible to find there individuals.
4. Todays metods of assessing cardiovascular risk (SCORE, Framingham) all have limits. They do not take into account important factors such as lack of physical activity, overweight, psychological factors or previous cardiovascular circumstances. (Simon, A. and Levenson, J.: May subclinical arterial disease helps to better detect and treat high-risk asymptomatic individuals? J Hypertension 2005, 23: 1939-1945)
5. In most cases, lowering the blood pressure is not enough to avoid early death. Individuals who can lower both their arterial stiffness and blood pressure have a much greater chance of a longer life.Circulation 2001;103:987
6. The Arteriograph is mobile and easy to use. The screening is fast, comfortable, harmless and user independent. It takes only a few minutes and can be described as a computerized blood pressure measurement.
7. Today´s other available methods are hard to use, expensive, and requires an adequate educated staff. In the future, the Arteriograph may replace the regular blood pressure measurement as it is just as easy but gives much more information.
The Arteriograph is intended for DAILY USE at your clinic to measure AIx, PWV and Central blood pressure etc.
Arteriograph- Comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment in only 3 minutes!
- A medical breakthrough in early diagnostics of atherosclerosis!
A big problem today is that many individuals with high risk of cardiovascular diseases otherwise have normal values; normal blood pressure, blood lipids and resting-EKG. The catastrophe strikes without any prior warning.
The Arteriograph is an evidence based, fast, easy, noninvasive and user independent way of assessing cardiovascular risk. For the first time one have a good chance of finding high risk patients before it is too late .The Arteriograph is also used to evaluate the effect of different medications.
A big problem today is that many individuals with high risk of cardiovascular diseases otherwise have normal values; normal blood pressure, blood lipids and resting-EKG. The catastrophe strikes without any prior warning. The Arteriograph is an evidence based, fast, easy, noninvasive and user independent way of assessing cardiovascular risk. For the first time one have a good chance of finding high risk patient before it is too late.
1. Screening of early atherosclerosis among ”healthy” individuals. Only the Arteriograph is useful for this. The Arteriograph gives an overall picture of the risk of assessing cardiovascular disease.
2. Evaluating the effects of treatments (drugs, nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes etc) on the vascular functions among patients with established atherosclerosis (CAD, POST MI, STROKE, PAD)
3. Is it not enough to check the blood lipids and blood pressure to prevent atherosclerosis and thereby strokes? No, 40-60% of patients with stroke or heart attacks do not have any know abnormal values such as high amount of blood lipids or high blood pressure (Johns Hopkins White Papers, Coronary Heart Disease - 1998, etc). They also have normal blood glucose values, resting-EKG, are non-smokers and have a healthy diet. Up until now it has been impossible to find there individuals.
4. Todays metods of assessing cardiovascular risk (SCORE, Framingham) all have limits. They do not take into account important factors such as lack of physical activity, overweight, psychological factors or previous cardiovascular circumstances. (Simon, A. and Levenson, J.: May subclinical arterial disease helps to better detect and treat high-risk asymptomatic individuals? J Hypertension 2005, 23: 1939-1945)
5. In most cases, lowering the blood pressure is not enough to avoid early death. Individuals who can lower both their arterial stiffness and blood pressure have a much greater chance of a longer life.Circulation 2001;103:987
6. The Arteriograph is mobile and easy to use. The screening is fast, comfortable, harmless and user independent. It takes only a few minutes and can be described as a computerized blood pressure measurement.
7. Today´s other available methods are hard to use, expensive, and requires an adequate educated staff. In the future, the Arteriograph may replace the regular blood pressure measurement as it is just as easy but gives much more information.
The Arteriograph is intended for DAILY USE at your clinic to measure AIx, PWV and Central blood pressure etc.
Arteriograph- Comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment in only 3 minutes!
- A medical breakthrough in early diagnostics of atherosclerosis!
A big problem today is that many individuals with high risk of cardiovascular diseases otherwise have normal values; normal blood pressure, blood lipids and resting-EKG. The catastrophe strikes without any prior warning.
The Arteriograph is an evidence based, fast, easy, noninvasive and user independent way of assessing cardiovascular risk. For the first time one have a good chance of finding high risk patients before it is too late .The Arteriograph is also used to evaluate the effect of different medications.