05:46 from yaplog!
手足のぴくつき。体中の筋(筋肉…http://yaplog.jp/lllaser/archive/950 #yaplog
06:00 from goo
Help me! Dr. YAMAMOTO<%URL>http://blog.goo.ne.jp/elllllaser/ #goo_elllllaser http://goo.gl/vGmxt
06:04 from SeesaaBlog
東京 都 世田谷 区 の 評判 山本クリニックの毎日の日記帳 #<%URL>http://clinicayamamoto.seesaa.net/
07:50 from web
07:56 from web
RT @winHipLeaf: Online shopping boom 'here to stay' http://bit.ly/fK7Sic
08:40 from web
Melting Japan in the disaster,
to fix or to solve , that is a question
08:48 from web
One month has passed,WE lost 17 thousand people,
haoever even more than 20 thousand people unknown.
17:29 from web
RT @SCLWRK: 認知症家族会のバリエーションについて考えさせられた。非構成的な傾聴に徹するところ、構成的なグループワークを展開するところ、介護相談が得意なところ、包括・在支との連携が上手いところなどいろいろある。どれも大切な社会資源。
17:38 from web (Re: @InfectiousEarth)
@InfectiousEarth What was extraordinary was that Hugh Grant should be the man to do the showing. .
17:56 from web (Re: @InfectiousEarth)
@InfectiousEarth Think of the visceral mix of confusion,
and the mounting panic had never flashed through the JPN people
17:58 from web
RT @saitoukazu: 四葉発見!どうぞ皆様。どうぞ、どこまでも。

18:05 from web (Re: @makenna)
People are becoming more conscientious of how they’re perceived online
20:19 from web (Re: @peyton4522)
interesting Title
20:30 from web
broadcastibg speed of Twitter may surpass the Light verocity.
it never conflicts the rerativity of Albert Einstein in 1905-paper
by lllaser on Twitter
手足のぴくつき。体中の筋(筋肉…http://yaplog.jp/lllaser/archive/950 #yaplog
06:00 from goo
Help me! Dr. YAMAMOTO<%URL>http://blog.goo.ne.jp/elllllaser/ #goo_elllllaser http://goo.gl/vGmxt
06:04 from SeesaaBlog
東京 都 世田谷 区 の 評判 山本クリニックの毎日の日記帳 #<%URL>http://clinicayamamoto.seesaa.net/
07:50 from web
07:56 from web
RT @winHipLeaf: Online shopping boom 'here to stay' http://bit.ly/fK7Sic
08:40 from web
Melting Japan in the disaster,
to fix or to solve , that is a question
08:48 from web
One month has passed,WE lost 17 thousand people,
haoever even more than 20 thousand people unknown.
17:29 from web
RT @SCLWRK: 認知症家族会のバリエーションについて考えさせられた。非構成的な傾聴に徹するところ、構成的なグループワークを展開するところ、介護相談が得意なところ、包括・在支との連携が上手いところなどいろいろある。どれも大切な社会資源。
17:38 from web (Re: @InfectiousEarth)
@InfectiousEarth What was extraordinary was that Hugh Grant should be the man to do the showing. .
17:56 from web (Re: @InfectiousEarth)
@InfectiousEarth Think of the visceral mix of confusion,
and the mounting panic had never flashed through the JPN people
17:58 from web
RT @saitoukazu: 四葉発見!どうぞ皆様。どうぞ、どこまでも。

18:05 from web (Re: @makenna)
People are becoming more conscientious of how they’re perceived online
20:19 from web (Re: @peyton4522)
interesting Title
20:30 from web
broadcastibg speed of Twitter may surpass the Light verocity.
it never conflicts the rerativity of Albert Einstein in 1905-paper
by lllaser on Twitter