京都•左京区 フェルデンクライス/アート/ダンサブルな暮らし


Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method、Kyoto

2012-04-25 | UPCOMIG Workshops
Upcoming Workshops

Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method

In this one-day workshop participants will be introduced to the mode and style of learning called Awareness Through Movement. There is really nothing like it in terms of its pedagogy and variety. Persons with movement difficulties as well as world-class athletes and performers have all benefitted from participation in Awareness Through Movement classes and workshops. Come to this one-day introduction and learn unique ways to improve movement, refine sensation, clarify thinking and integrate emotional range.

Tuition: 6000yen

May 27, 9:30 - 17:00 pm (2hours lunch break included)

Wings Kyoto



For more information or to register

Feldenkrais cafe, KYOTO


(080) 6753-4393


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