京都•左京区 フェルデンクライス/アート/ダンサブルな暮らし


Kyoto Music andfeldenkrais Night

2012-04-26 | UPCOMIG Workshops

Music and Feldenkrais Night

@ KyoMachiya next to Yoshida Shrine

June 4, 2012 -19:00 begins

To venture into the unknown, to have truly novel experience depends upon recognizing and being able to change habits that define and confine us. When it is necessary or desirable to change our habits, i.e. to learn, the Feldenkrais Method® provides the means to know what to learn and how to learn it. Feldenkrais® lessons use our nervous system's self-organizing processes--of intention, attention and movement--to transform and make our every activity more effective, intelligent and joyful. From day one each student will utilize Awareness Through Movement® and Functional Integration® to refine their sense of touch; develop skills of observation of self and others; strengthen the ability to verbalize one's understanding; and translate insight into practice.

Location, Dates, and Times: Held at a beautiful site in Yoshidayama in Sakyou-ku Kyoto, the music and feldenkrais night  meets up 4 times a month  every Mondays: You will be welcomed with beautiful Kyo Machiya style atmosphere and nice Japanese garden inside. The meet ups includes with tea and some sweets. We welcome a guest from couch potetos to profesional athletes. 
for more info 
町家「人と生活研究所 音楽と植物と・・・」

〒606-8317 京都市左京区吉田本町12番地
TEL/FAX: 075-751-5178 
HP: http://www.ongakutosyokubutsuto.com/ 


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