2日引きこもり、やること沢山。最終日の絵と友人の新年会と。おじさんって電話好きね。100万回メールといっても すれ違い電話の繰り返し。 わたしでさえ 女子高生に誘導してもらい、Lineいれたのに。
上野へ。 モノ落としたとおじさんに肩叩かれて今日もセクハラ0秒破れる。 おとついは横浜の車内でじいさんに絡まれるし。こいつも無視してたら肩押してきた。「残念な人を惹き付けてしまうのですね。」 20代の女性からのコメント今年は覆したい。
ダンスの後絵。偶然会った方とお茶 わたしはパスタも。彼は忙しそうカラオケ断られた。
いいんだけどなんか古い感じ マリアキリストは美しい 今のわたしの様な絵。お腹とか
目立つ男性。少し話して また出口で会う。俳優やってた方 背筋が真っ直ぐで少し長髪
ホテルで一人飲む。 ここのカクテルは美味しかった。東京にしては
中国人のホテルマンと タクシー運転手におじさん達が意地でもメールに切り替えてくれないこと愚痴りながら帰る。
Two days to withdraw, a lot to do. Pictures on the last day and friends' new year party. I like uncle as a telephone. Even if it says one million times of mail, it passes repeatedly through the phone. Even if I were a girls high school student, I was guided by a Line.
To Ueno. When I dropped the item, my uncle was hit by a shoulder and I could break sexual harassing for 0 seconds today. A bad day is entwined with an old man in the car in Yokohama. I ignored him and pushed my shoulder. "Attracting disappointing people." Comments from women in their twenties I want to overthrow this year.
Picture after dance. For those who met by chance and tea I also had pasta. He seems to be busy refusing the karaoke.
It's ok but I feel something old Maria Christ is a beautiful picture like my present one. Stomachache
It looks like a touch to Bayjur Blanc, who painted Marie Antoinette.
A prominent man. Talk a bit and meet again at the exit. Actor who was doing straight spine straight a little long hair
It looks like a ballet dancer.
Drink one person at the hotel. The cocktail here was delicious. For Tokyo
Chinese hotel man and taxi drivers will return home with complaints that they will not switch to e-mails even though they are nominated.