生演奏のアラブ音楽にのって サウジアラビアが立ち上がり、黒衣の体揺らすとエジプト人マネージャーが駆け寄り、「座りなさい❗」 と命令 おかしいよね 女性は自己表現
若く全身顔も隠し眼だけ出し、ケータイ応対に忙しい 1人で。
男性達は 行儀よく料理やお酒楽しみ、踊りOK
山高帽のコックも、バーベキュー焼きながら 手を振り上げて ダンス
日本で高いCD買って聞いてたのが生で聞けて 夢のよう。とーぜんわたし踊る。
してないよ。 それにエジプトの一般人はそんなダンサー尊敬してない。
日本からの方ガイド時たま 「そのレストランはこっちじゃなくて左でしょ。」
方向感覚は男性の方が上 1人で来る方とが一番楽しかった。
冷静な日本男性は オアシス
写真 流し見てくれた 中野
Women must not dance in public!
ウ Saudi Arabia stands up on live Arabic music, shakes his black robe, and an Egyptian manager rushes in and orders `` sit down ''.
I ca n’t
On the other hand, (laughs) Saudi Arabia at the front end is taking guests. (H)
Young and full body with only hidden eyes, busy with mobile phones Alone.
Men enjoy cooking, drinking and dancing OK
The cook in the bowler hat also dances while waving his hand while grilling a barbecue
I heard that I bought and listened to a high CD in Japan and it was like a dream. I dance.
Because I was watched by Egyptian dancers and teachers
Of course, hotel staff, stop. I don't care, get married because anything is abroad
A lot of other women who become her and get work. I'm still such a belly dancer
I haven't. And the Egyptians don't respect such dancers.
When you are a guide from Japan, "That restaurant is not here, but on the left."
For the sense of direction, men were the most fun when they came alone.
Oasis is a cool Japanese man
"Dance that doesn't fit in the hotel
"Then," a younger guy got along.
Egypt staff, 360 attitude change when seeing Arab and japanese companion
Photo with dance guest japanese!
生演奏のアラブ音楽にのって サウジアラビアが立ち上がり、黒衣の体揺らすとエジプト人マネージャーが駆け寄り、「座りなさい❗」 と命令 おかしいよね 女性は自己表現
若く全身顔も隠し眼だけ出し、ケータイ応対に忙しい 1人で。
男性達は 行儀よく料理やお酒楽しみ、踊りOK
山高帽のコックも、バーベキュー焼きながら 手を振り上げて ダンス
日本で高いCD買って聞いてたのが生で聞けて 夢のよう。とーぜんわたし踊る。
してないよ。 それにエジプトの一般人はそんなダンサー尊敬してない。
日本からの方ガイド時たま 「そのレストランはこっちじゃなくて左でしょ。」
方向感覚は男性の方が上 1人で来る方とが一番楽しかった。
冷静な日本男性は オアシス
写真 流し見てくれた 中野
Women must not dance in public!
ウ Saudi Arabia stands up on live Arabic music, shakes his black robe, and an Egyptian manager rushes in and orders `` sit down ''.
I ca n’t
On the other hand, (laughs) Saudi Arabia at the front end is taking guests. (H)
Young and full body with only hidden eyes, busy with mobile phones Alone.
Men enjoy cooking, drinking and dancing OK
The cook in the bowler hat also dances while waving his hand while grilling a barbecue
I heard that I bought and listened to a high CD in Japan and it was like a dream. I dance.
Because I was watched by Egyptian dancers and teachers
Of course, hotel staff, stop. I don't care, get married because anything is abroad
A lot of other women who become her and get work. I'm still such a belly dancer
I haven't. And the Egyptians don't respect such dancers.
When you are a guide from Japan, "That restaurant is not here, but on the left."
For the sense of direction, men were the most fun when they came alone.
Oasis is a cool Japanese man
"Dance that doesn't fit in the hotel
"Then," a younger guy got along.
Egypt staff, 360 attitude change when seeing Arab and japanese companion
Photo with dance guest japanese!