ピンチの神様が現れるまで 大丈夫! と言うよね
ラストの家無き子時代や、エジプト大家と揉めてたとき それでも踊ろうと、仕事してたとしてたとき、現れた。PRINCE が
一人はラムセスヒルトン 2009王子ルック流行ってて、羽のついた黒いフェルト帽に ブランドぽい7分丈パンツ ニッカー何とかに白い袖膨らんだシャツ。
エジプトスタッフの妨害に耐えながら通ってた、 日本と一緒!客として利用してるのに 初対面でワンワンキャン×キャじゃれてきて 階級の違う客と話すの邪魔する
麻美の悪口吹き込んで ね。でーも今思え 立ちながら日本語勉強カンペ、深夜警察に
夜道egypt policeにしょくしつされてたらホテル柵のなかから「she came this hotel before ,japanese 」等とかばってくれたエジプトスタッフのほうが オ、ト、ナ。
たまたまセミラミスホテルで眼を閉じてたとき、Dina dancer のスパイが盗撮し、
女性スタッフは、「she came spa of this hotel!」と言うのに猛獣のような男性スタッフは ダメ
Until the god of pinch appears 現 れ る It's okay! You say
When I was at the last homeless childhood or when I was rubbing with the Egyptian landlord I appeared when I was still working to dance. PRINCE is
One person is Ramses Hilton 2009 Oji Look is popular, black felt hat with wings brand 7 minute length pants knicker somehow white sleeve inflated shirt.
だ か ら Being a Saudi boy, she is dignified.
A party of live Arab music, charge 0, me with big luggage.
通 I passed while resisting the obstruction of the Egyptian staff, 一 緒 with Japan! Even though I use it as a customer, I get swayed by Wan Wan Can x Cya at the first meeting It interferes with talking to customers of different ranks
吹 き I'll blow Asami's bad mouth. Standing up for studying Japanese while standing at the police late at night
通 I passed while resisting the obstruction of the Egyptian staff, 一 緒 with Japan! Even though I use it as a customer, I get swayed by Wan Wan Can x Cya at the first meeting It interferes with talking to customers of different ranks
吹 き I'll blow Asami's bad mouth. Standing up for studying Japanese while standing at the police late at night
Even Ramses couldn't say, "Are you always sleeping?"
Female staff says "she came spa of this hotel!"