On 7, Ashio Copper Mine stopped operations in every mountains.
7日、足尾銅山は全山で操業を停止した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Ashio Copper Mine Mineral Pollution Incident occurred and the operation of the state-owned Yahata Iron Factory commenced.
Ashio Kodoku Jiken (Ashio Mining Pollution) is often referred to as Ashio Dozan Kodoku Jiken (Ashio copper mine Mining Pollution).
It is also called the Ashio Copper Mine Riot.
At that time, copper was one of Japan's major exports with 1/4 of the national output coming from Ashio copper mine.
In 1896, Gunma Prefectural Assembly decided to demand Ashio copper mine to close down operations ("The Proposal for the Issue of the Mining Pollution").
In 1972, Gunma Prefecture concluded the polluted rice crops were due to the mining pollution from the Ashio copper mine
On April 3, the prefecture concluded the contaminated soil in Morita area was also due to the mining pollution from the Ashio copper mine.
People showed strong interest in this problem and groups of students visited the poisoned area and the Ashio Mine.
In 1901, he and his father clashed over their views of the Ashio Copper Mine Mineral Pollution Incident.
The Besshidozan Copper Mine and the Ashiodozan Copper Mine were considered two major copper mines in Japan and people said the Ashiodozan Copper Mine from the east and the Besshidozan Copper Mine from the west at the time.
Tochigi Prefectural Assembly had already decide to demand the research in Ashio copper mine in 1890, however, because Tochigi was not only the damaged area but also the base of the company possessing Ashio copper mine, the issue became complicated in the assembly, and in 1896 they did not decided anything concerning the mining pollution.
In 1891, over the Ashio Copper Mine Mineral Pollution Incident, he received questions from Shozo TANAKA in the Imperial Diet but responded that he did not understand the purport of the questions (Mutsu's second son, Junkichi, had been adopted by Ichibei FURUKAWA, the manager of Ashio Copper Mine).
Later on, Sukematsu MINAMI who came to Ashio Copper Mine from Yubari Cole Mine cooperated with Nagaoka, and they set up Dainihon Rodo Shiseikai, Ashio branch on December 5, 1906.
In place of it, it was the production of bronze at Ashiodozan Copper Mine and Besshidozan Copper Mine that was in its prime in Genroku era.
代わって元禄年間に産出が隆盛を極めたのが足尾銅山および別子銅山からの銅の産出であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Release of an expressionism movie 'Come Back, Dr. Caligari,' proclamation of 'Land Lease and House Lease Act' and of the metric system, foundation of 'Dainihon Shukyu Kyokai' (Japan Football Association) (present Japan Football Association), and 'Ashio Copper Mine Mineral Pollution Incident'
Ashio Mining Pollution was a pollution incident which occurred at Ashio copper mine located around Watarase-gawa River in Tochigi Prefecture and Gunma Prefecture at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
As a result of the introduction of Western modern mining technology, Ashio copper mine became Japan's largest copper producer and became the largest in East Asia which produced thousands of tons annually.
However, at that time the cause was unclear; and in Choya Shinbun, the newspaper that first reported the incident on August 12, reported ambiguously that Ashio copper mine may have caused it.
On October 31 of the same year, Shimotsuke Shinbun (newspaper) reported that trees in Ashio area had been dying since about the previous year; and those two articles are considered to have been the first reports linking the Ashio copper mine and the pollution.
In 1945 World War II ended, and there were no longer controls on speeches and meetings, and in the following year, the peasants of the Watarase-gawa valley of the eastern Gunma Prefecture gathered and formed the Union for Relocation of Ashio copper mine Refinery.
The "Ashio Riot" was an event occurred from February 4, 1907 to February 7, that mine workers in Ashio Copper Mine destroyed and set fire to the facilities in the mine.
At that time in the Ashio Copper Mine, mine workers' complaints were mounting because of their low wages due to the cost for prevention of mineral pollution which was ordered in Ashio Mineral Pollution Incident and their poor working conditions.
Naoya SHIGA's grandfather, Naomichi SHIGA, served as a butler of the Soma Clan, the lord of the former Soma- Nakamura Domain; he developed Ashio Copper Mine together with Ichibe FURUKAWA, the founder of Furukawa Zaibatsu, and was involved in the Soma Incident.
(SHIGA wanted to participate in the excursion tour of the Ashio Copper Mine Mineral Pollution Incident; however, his father opposed it because SHIGA's grandfather used to run the Ashio Copper Mine jointly with Ichibe FURUKAWA.)
Shozo TANAKA, who was trying to pin down the pollution caused by the Ashiodozan Copper Mine, valued Iba's achievements and referred to the Besshidozan Copper Mine as the 'roll model that every Japanese copper mine should follow.'
Furukawa zaibatsu that built a fortune due to the booming (1904 to 1905) resulted from Japanese-Russo War had pollution problems caused by the Ashio Copper Mine Mineral Pollution and conciliated public opinion by donation to the public.
During this period, the major part of these measures was restrictions of speech and of the press, such as banning the publication immediately after issuance of a record of the mining pollution "Ashio Dozan Kodoku, Watarase-gawa-engan Jijo" (Ashio copper mine Mining Pollution, Status of Watarase-gawa River) published in 1891 by the residents of Azuma Village (Tochigi Prefecture).
In 1897 large numbers of peasants from the affected area went to Tokyo to protest (called 'Oshidashi', protest) and the general verdict on the company and government became negative, then, in March of the same year, the government established the Research Committee of Ashio copper mine Mining Pollution and issued several acts for preventing mining pollution.
Ten years after, in 1636, it was decided that the bakufu carried on a full-scale operation of mintage of Kanei Tsuho as a result of an increase in production of copper from copper mines including Ashio Copper Mine, and three zeniza were established; Hashiba in Asakusa, Edo, Tsuna-nawate in Shiba (Minato Ward, Tokyo) and Sakamoto in Omi Province (Otsu City).
As the mining pollution damage caused by the Ashio copper mine became serious, Shozo TANAKA, a member of the House of Representatives, set up a mining damage office for both Ibaragi and Gunma Prefecture on October 4, 1896 at Unryu-ji Temple in Watase Village, Oura County, Gunma Prefecture (the present Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture.)
Shozo TANAKA also made a similar comment in 1901.
This number was used when Shozo TANAKA was summoned to the hearing at the Diet.
Against the composition, Shozo TANAKA held a demonstration to stop the victims.
Shozo TANAKA is famous as the central figure of the farmers' movement at this time.
And after the central figure of the movement, Shozo TANAKA died in 1913, the movement also almost died.
Shozo TANAKA, who had played an important role in establishment of a mining damage office, also persuaded them.
Shozo TANAKA, however, was not informed what was going on in Kawamata when he was raising questions about the copper-mine poisoning at the National Diet session.
In the Ashio Copper Mine Mineral Pollution Incident, he supported Shozo TANAKA and devoted effort to relief work for the peasants.
Although from 1891 Shozo TANAKA frequently raised the issue of the pollution at the Diet, the government did not actively take any anti mining pollution measures.
Since Shozo TANAKA lived Yanaka Village and the village was the stronghold of the movement against the pollution, people said that the plan had been made to crush the movement.
Shozo TANAKA, a member of the House of Representatives from Sano made enquiries at the parliament beginning in 1891, and the damages by the mining pollution became public throughout the nation.
The committee concluded 'as for the copper which damages crops, there are the residues flowed before the preventive construction, however in the current operation, the flowing poison is a little, so the government exonerates Furukawa Mining from blame' (Masaomi YUI "Tanaka Shozo"), and in fact, in October of 1903, 'the damaged area had a good crop of rice' and Shozo TANAKA also gave lectures at many places setting the title of the lecture as 'the real circumstances of the rich harvest in the damaged area' ("the complete works of Shozo TANAKA" page 477 of the "supplementary volume").
It is also noted that the family was fiercely resisted by local residents including Shozo TANAKA, because the family oppressed them in Shimotsuke Province where they had their "syoryo" (territory) during the end of the Edo period.
After Shozo TANAKA made direct appeals to the government, popular opinion changed in the residents' favor as many groups of college students visited Ashio one after another, and the government, realizing it could become a threat, hastily set up the second Research Committee of the Mining Pollution in 1902.
Particularly Yorozu Choho, Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun (It is unrelated to the present Mainichi Shimbun), Yomiuri Shimbun reported daily on the copper-mining problem and also about Shozo TANAKA's direct appeal to the emperor.
Shozo TANAKA, a member of the House of Representatives and a leader of the peasant movement, announced his departure from the Kenseihon Party which he was then affiliated when he was questioning the Kawamata Incident at the Diet meeting on February 15, 1900.
Shozo TANAKA, who was trying to pin down the pollution caused by the Ashiodozan Copper Mine, valued Iba's achievements and referred to the Besshidozan Copper Mine as the 'roll model that every Japanese copper mine should follow.'
The movement against the pollution gathered pace after the floods in 1896, and October 4, under the leadership of Shozo TANAKA, the mining pollution office of Tochigi Prefecture and Gunma Prefecture was estavlished in Unryu-ji Temple in Watarase Village, Oura County, Gunma Prefecture (present Shimohayakawada-cho, Tatebayashi City).
As the mining pollution damage caused by the Ashio copper mine became serious, Shozo TANAKA, a member of the House of Representatives, set up a mining damage office for both Ibaragi and Gunma Prefecture on October 4, 1896 at Unryu-ji Temple in Watase Village, Oura County, Gunma Prefecture (the present Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture.)
It may have been that he reached the limit of his physical strength after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage in 1963 and having a full gastrectomy in 1972, but he left film industry after his final work, the 1974 film "Ranru no Hata" (Ragged Flags) depicting Shozo TANAKA, and made writing his main occupation.
In 1891, over the Ashio Copper Mine Mineral Pollution Incident, he received questions from Shozo TANAKA in the Imperial Diet but responded that he did not understand the purport of the questions (Mutsu's second son, Junkichi, had been adopted by Ichibei FURUKAWA, the manager of Ashio Copper Mine).
Ryukai MATSUMOTO says that it may not be said all the deaths were caused by the mining pollution, however, since there were a greater number of deaths than births while there were more births than deaths in Japan at that time, those deaths should be considered to have been caused by the mining pollution (it is considered that in fact among those deaths, many cases were caused by malnutrition, since the people became poor by the mining pollution; however Shozo TANAKA and Matsumoto and others said that those cases should be counted as the victims by the mining pollution).
松本隆海は、すべてが鉱毒が原因だとはいえないかもしれないが、当時の日本は出生数のほうが多いにもかかわらず、死者数のほうが多いのは、鉱毒に関連があるとしている(実際には、鉱毒が原因で貧困となり、栄養状態が悪化して死亡した者が多く含まれていると考えられるが、田中正造や松本はこれらも鉱毒による死者とすべきだとしている)。 http://www.jca.apc.org/~altmedka/yom-12-4.html