Ratio of brain & body脳と体の比率
3次元立方体の筋肉3D cubical muscle
坐禅とバレエのリセットボタンReset button of Zen-meditation and ballet
55歳になってBecame 55 years old
英語発音の訛りEnglish pronunciation with an accent
躰を起こすアラーム設定Alarm setting that wake up the body
動的静けさDynamical tranquility
人を読むReading people
只管打坐と体の覚醒Devoted to meditation & body awakening
常に在るもの無いものThings that always IS or IS-not
痛みが拓くドアDoors opened by pains
肌トラブルの自然治癒Natural healing for skin troubles
Reading Trump(追記)
2020年難世を生きてLiving in this catastrophic world 2020
言語学習の内部と外部条件②The interior and exterior conditions for learning language
言語通訳ツールと其の他の問題①Translation tools and other problems-1
My husband’s ballet practice夫のバレエ稽古