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「Ready For Love」で”ジェニ”ファンが怒る?

「Ready For Love」で”ジェニ”ファンが怒る?
Will "Ready For Love" Make "Jennie" Fans Angry?

「PUBGモバイル」のコラボプロジェクトの一環としてリリースされたBlackPinkの「Ready For Love」。
 「#JusticeForJennie」(ジェニに正義を)や「Jennie Deserve Better」(もっと良い待遇を)がトレンド入りし、だいぶ騒がしくなって来てるようだ。中には、「#JennieLeaveBlackpink」(ジェニBlackPinkから脱退して)と、「グループ脱退」を求める声まで出て来ているという。


 実際、どうなのか「Ready For Love」のMVに飛んでみた。


(英訳➡English translation)

Will "Ready For Love" Make "Jennie" Fans Angry?

BlackPink's "Ready For Love" released as part of a collaboration project with "PUBG Mobile".
It's been a long time since BlackPink released a song as a group. The fans were excited and anxiously waiting.
However, as soon as the MV was released at 1 PM, it is said that dissatisfaction over "Jennie's treatment" was raging on Twitter.
"#JusticeForJennie" and "Jennie Deserve Better" have become trends, and it seems that they are getting quite noisy. Some say, "#JennieLeaveBlackpink" (withdrawal from Jennie BlackPink) and calls for "withdrawal from the group".

It seems that Jennie's fans are dissatisfied with the fact that Jennie's rap parts are all taken by Lisa.

There's no way Lisa would ask for all the rap parts. If you think about it normally, it seems that it is a team strategy on the assumption that such a voice will come out.
"However, for the fans who are really attached to Jennie, it won't be possible." It may be natural because the original position is the main rapper.
This time, Jennie seems to have no rap, only vocal parts.
In fact, I jumped to the "Ready For Love" MV.
"It's true that Lisa did the rap part and Jennie didn't."
However, I was a little disappointed as a person who came here thinking that I was sharing a small portion with Jisoo.
Even though there is no rap, if there is this much singing part, isn't it enough?

However, I felt lonely that Jennie didn't have any rap.
Although it has nothing to do with Jennie, it was a pity that Jisoo's singing parts were still few. However, I don't think you should increase it forcibly.
"The priority should be the balance of the team and the performance of the songs." Because the team should be blamed when results are not delivered.
I wonder if Jennie's rap part will depend on the results...
When the results aren't as good as they used to be, it's okay to yell at the team and say, "Did you see that?"


▼「ジェニがきれいな服を着る度に、東南アジアのリサファンたちに『YGプリンセス』と批判してきた。何年間もラップ1人で全部したのはリサじゃない? 本当の『YGプリンセス』は誰なのか」
▼「Forever Youngのジェニラップ、大好きなのに…. ジェニラップ聞きたい」

(reaction of the Korean online community)

▼ "It's strange that the main rapper doesn't have a rap part."
▼ “Honestly, it’s a pity that Jennie doesn’t have a rap part.
▼ "Think of it like this. Jennie, not the main dancer Lisa, does the dance break part. If that happens, I think Lisa's fans in Southeast Asia will get angry."
▼ "What makes me even more angry is when Lisa's fans say, 'Lisa is in charge of rapping because she's better at rapping'. This really pisses me off (laughs)."
▼ “Every time Jennie wears a pretty dress, Lisa fans in Southeast Asia criticize her as ‘YG Princess.’ Isn’t it Lisa who has done it all by herself for many years? Who is the real ‘YG Princess’? ”
▼ "I'm amazed and irritated when this kind of situation is repeated. Even if there are several rappers from other groups, they divide their parts and rap. Blupin has only four members, so why is this happening? Even if the two of them can rap and sing, I can't understand why the main doesn't even have a single phrase."
▼ “Jennifer’s reaction is over the top.
▼ ``I love Forever Young's Jenni rap.. I want to hear Jenni rap.

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