雨の記号(rain symbol)

Le Sserafim脱退、ガラムの噂と近況から

Le Sserafim脱退、ガラムの噂と近況から
Le Sserafim leaving, rumors and recent situation of Garam

[噂] Le Sserafim脱退「ガラム」近況(?)、学校机の写真話題に….悪口いっぱい

 Le Sserafimの元メンバー「キム・ガラム」の近況が伝えられている。




 よってこんないたずら書きで埋まったと推定できるが、フルネームで書き込まれているのを見るとからかう気持ちが強いのかな? これを消す者がいないのは味方もいないようで寂しい気はしてくる。


(英訳➡English translation)

Le Sserafim leaving, rumors and recent situation of Garam

The recent situation of former member of Le Sserafim "Kim Garam" has been reported.
The other day, it seems that photos and notes were posted on the Korean online community under the title "Kim Ga-ram's recent situation."
In the posted photo, a name sticker with "Kim Ga-ram" is pasted, and Kim Ga-ram's desk is filled with scribbles that appear to be "bad words".

 Kim Ga-ram is said to be enrolled in the famous ``Seoul Performing Arts High School'' even though his contract with the ``HYBE'' affiliate has been terminated.

Judging from this situation objectively, it seems quite likely that he is being bullied.

However, there are also voices saying, "I wonder if a celebrity prospective student would do such a thing?"

"On the other hand, it's difficult to predict the situation." Even now that she has progressed from junior high school to high school, her classroom and seat are still hers, and she hasn't even been to school for a long time.
"Therefore, it can be assumed that it was filled with such doodles, but when you see your full name written, do you have a strong sense of teasing?" "It seems that there is no one to erase this, and I feel lonely."

Now that the relationship with the "HYBE" affiliated office has ended, Garam has returned to being a dreaming girl, so it should be a public appearance (I'll do it quietly) to leave the desk blank, but the background that doesn't work is. I wonder if there is...

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