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From the video for "KARA Project"

The trailer and official poster of the 7 new KARA member candidates have been released! They look as "fresh" as KARA's debut days.

From the video for "KARA Project"

The first episode of "KARA Project" was uploaded to YouTube, so I watched it. Seeing them in pictures and reading the introductory article gives a slightly different impression than actually seeing them in the video.

The project was progressing with KARA's representative hit song, "STEP," as the task, but there is a difference in comprehension between those who are watching from the front of the stage and those who watch through the video.

Watching through the video, I was not able to sense the level of each of the girls' singing or dancing. All I could see was that their singing and dancing were much inferior to Hara and the other real members.

However, there were some things that became clear from the expressions and behavior that the camera followed.

Chaewon, who I chose as my top pick from the photos and introductory article, seemed a little clumsy compared to the other girls, perhaps because of her young age.

From the video, I felt that Siyoon and Somin had good entertainment qualities.

However, the project is still ongoing. Whether things will become clearer as they push forward or whether it will be a close battle until the end is impossible to say from watching this one episode.

After watching this, one thing can be said: the members of the second KARA, who have gained many fans with each stage performance, have raised their level remarkably over the past two or three years.

The "KARA Project" video really made that real.

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