St. Martin's 教会 ウェスト アクトン ロンドンにて行われました。
今も、困難な状況にある被災者の方々を より多くの方々に覚えていただいて、

スライドの後に、翼合唱団の方々が さくら 私につばさをください の二曲を歌ってくれました。

15,890 people have died and 2,589 are still missing after 4 years. As many as 229,000 evacuees still live, either with relatives or in more than 77,000 temporary housing units.
Heavenly Father, merciful Lord, we pray for all people still affected by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
We pray for those who have lost their lives, that they may rest in peace, and all who are grieving, especially those who are still searching for their loved ones, that they may be comforted and find strength through your love.
We pray for those who are still living in temporary housing, that they may be able to support each other and be protected always by your grace.
We pray also for those who have moved from temporary housing into new houses and who find it difficult to adjust to new lives. Grant that they may settle in gradually by your grace.
Lord, hear us.
All Lord, graciously hear us.
We pray for workers working inside the nuclear plants at Fukushima, and for all who are working for the decontamination that they may be protected in their work.
And we pray for people who have lost hope of being able to return to their homes and villages, and people who fear for their future because of radioactive contamination, that they may be given encouragement by your grace.
We pray for all children affected by the disaster, especially those particularly traumatised in its aftermath, as they play their part in rebuilding community and overcoming challenges for the future.
Lord, hear us.
All Lord, graciously hear us.
We pray for political and community leaders, all who are working to rebuild houses and infrastructure and those supporting those in need, that you may give wisdom, strength and compassion.
We pray for churches and volunteers, especially for “Daijini Tohoku” and ‘The Project on Nuclear Power and Radiation’ run by NSKK (Nippon Sei Ko Kai) that, by your Holy Spirit, they be given strength for the task and your grace to continue to walk with those in need.
Lord, hear us.
All Lord, graciously hear us.