「み国がきますように」のキャンペーンが終わった後に、インターネットを通して 登録した人々宛てに
準備された方々を代表して、カンタベリー大主教とヨーク大主教それぞれからのメッセージ含めて 感謝のメールがきました。
カンタベリー大主教からのメッセージだけ 添付しました。
機械的に 感謝の言葉が送られたと言えば そうかもしれませんが、やはり、参加したものとしては、
こうした 感謝の言葉をいただけることは、とても励みになりますし、嬉しく思っていますので、
少しでも その喜びが分かち合えますよう ここに紹介しました。
11日間ですが、英国の至るところで、聖公会ーアングリカン、あるいはカソリック、メソジスト 福音派と異なる宗派のキリスト教、そして英国にとどままたバングラディシュはじめ南アフリカに渡る100か国以上の国々いる人々の参加がありました。
主の聖霊によって、私達それぞれが つながりを強めることができますよう。
Dear friends,
For 11 days across the UK, and in over a hundred countries from Bangladesh to South Africa, we came together in prayer.
We asked God to pour out His Holy Spirit on His united people – to empower us share the revolutionary love of Jesus Christ with our friends, our families, our communities and our nations.
You are a vital part of this movement we call Thy Kingdom Come. Thank you so much.
I’ve heard so many wonderful stories – from churches holding 24-7 prayer for the first time, to cathedrals packed with joyful crowds, to people giving their lives to Jesus after being prayed for the Thy Kingdom Come community.
And of course, what an incredible blessing it was to hear Bishop Michael Curry share the good news of Jesus with a global audience of millions in his Royal wedding sermon – before joining us for a Thy Kingdom Come event at St Albans Cathedral.
I’m filled with joy at how God is working so powerfully through this global movement of prayer. This year, it really started to feel like it was all of us. Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Methodists, Pentecostals… joining together in this one clear and joyful cry out to God: send your Holy Spirit that we might share Christ’s love! When we are united in prayer, it’s a clear sign of the Kingdom.
Another sign of the Kingdom is the compassion that is firing up the Church. That means loving and caring for the poor and struggling – and for each other. Jesus calls us to be part of a revolution of love. In our prayers, we are being drawn into the very heart of that revolution.
I’m more excited by Thy Kingdom Come than anything I can remember for many, many years. Praise be to God!
With every blessing,