First two days in India

2006-08-07 21:46:15 | Weblog
I arrived at Jaipur this morning.
I'm in the traninee house in which I'm going to stay for two munths.
Everything is fine.

I was allowed to stay home and take a good rest today,
so I'll be working for the first time tommorow.
There, I can read and write in Japanese, so I can write more.

After I arrived this morning, I went to my room and slept for 3hours.
It was good becouse I couldn't take good sleep for nearly 2 days.
When I woke, I found my head was aching terribly, I had no chice but slept again.
I spent almost whole day slepping without eating bleakfast and lunch.
I'm hungly...

It's not hot here becouse of the rainy siason, much cooler than osaka,
although there is not much rain eiher.

I took some pictuers of this exotic place.
I'll try to paste them on my diary