Audit tips from PCAOB inspections leader
At last month's AICPA & CIMA Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments, the director of the PCAOB's Division of Registration and Inspections offered a pep talk of sorts to public company auditors, along with some New Year's resolutions.
At the conference, he offered some areas of focus for 2023 PCAOB inspections.
Botic said the PCAOB will continue to take a close look at audits of special-purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) and de-SPAC transactions. More generally, PCAOB inspections will pay particular attention to the robustness of an auditor's risk assessment as well as auditor independence.
"We will continue to select financial statement focus areas that are generally more complex, require significant judgment, and may be particularly susceptible to change," Botic said.
In addition, Botic offered five key takeaways for auditors to carry with them every day on the job:
- Exercise professional skepticism. 職業的懐疑心を行使する
- Focus on fraud procedures. 不正に関する手続にフォーカスする
- Ensure review and supervision of the audit. 監査に対するレビューや監督を確実に行う
- Get back to the basics of audit work. 監査作業の基本に立ち返る
- Focus on CAMs (critical audit matters). CAM(KAMと似たようなもの)にフォーカスする
もっとも重要なのは、questioning mind(探求心)をもって証拠の評価にあたるという態度である。このことは、事務所に入所して以来完全にリモートで働いてきた経験の乏しいスタッフに対して、強調すべき重要なことである。事務所の指導部に推奨したいのは、探求心を維持し、必要な場合には(圧力に対して?)押し戻す力があるのだということを監査チームが感じられるような「I've got your back」(私が援護する)という文化を受け入れ、推進することである、といった内容のことをいっているようです。
"The most important thing an auditor can bring to an audit is an attitude that includes a questioning mind for a critical assessment of evidence," Botic said. "It is important to stress this with less-experienced staff who may have been working entirely remotely since they joined the firm. I encourage firm leadership to embrace and promote a culture of 'I've got your back' to ensure that engagement teams feel empowered to maintain a questioning mind and push back when warranted."