
IFAC IAASBからのStaff Audit Practice Alertの公表について

IFAC IAASBからのStaff Audit Practice Alertの公表について(お知らせ)

日本公認会計士協会のサイトに、国際会計士連盟の監査保証基準理事会のスタッフによるStaff Audit Practice Alertが公表されたというお知らせが出ています。

EMERGING PRACTICE ISSUES REGARDING the USE of EXTERNAL CONFIRMATIONS in an AUDIT of FINANCIAL STATEMENTS、(PDFファイル)(財務諸表監査における外部確認の利用に関する新たな実務上の問題点)という題名の文書で、残高確認などの外部確認手続における留意点を取り上げています。

いくつかの留意事項が挙げられていますが、まず最初に、確認プロセスにおける不正の可能性に留意すること(Remaining Alert to the Possibility of Fraud in the Confirmation Process)という項目を取り上げています。


A particular circumstance where the auditor may need to be alert to the possibility of receiving a fraudulent response to a confirmation request is when requesting confirmation about the entity’s assets from another entity that is both the custodian and manager of those assets. The possible lack of proper segregation of duties over the custodial and asset management functions in such a case may create a fraud risk factor in the confirmation process.


Even when the auditor retains control over the confirmation process, there may be a higher risk of collusion between management and the respondent in responding to the auditor’s confirmation request in the present economic environment. The significance of this risk will depend on the extent of influence the entity and its management have over the respondent.


This risk may arise, for example, when requesting confirmation of the existence of liquid funds and investments held by the entity in an offshore jurisdiction.

2番目の項目として、外部確認手続きでは十分な監査証拠が得られない可能性のある状況(Circumstances Where External Confirmation Procedures May Not Provide Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence)について説明しています。


For some types of investments such as hedge funds, private equity funds, so-called “funds of funds” that invest in hedge funds, and investments in limited partnerships, respondents may be unwilling or reluctant to confirm relevant information on the basis of client confidentiality or for competitive reasons. In such circumstances, it may be necessary to consider performing alternative or additional audit procedures to address the existence and valuation assertions.






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