FASB approves cryptoassets standard
FASB voted Wednesday to issue a cryptoassets standard that will require entities to report on fungible crypto holdings using the fair value measurement standard.
After reviewing shareholder feedback received on the exposure draft of Accounting for and disclosure of crypto assets during Wednesday's meeting, the board voted to issue the final standard with an effective date for fiscal years beginning after Dec. 15, 2024.
The board affirmed that the final standard will require reporting entities to:
- At a minimum, present the aggregate amount of cryptoassets separately from other intangible assets that are measured using other measurement bases. 少なくとも、他の測定基準を使用して測定される他の無形資産とは区分して、暗号資産の総額を表示する。
- Present gains and losses on cryptoassets in net income and present those gains and losses separately from the income statement effects of other intangible assets, such as amortization or impairments. 暗号資産の損益を純利益に表示し、それらの損益を、償却や減損などの他の無形資産の損益計算書への影響とは区分して表示する。
- Classify cryptoassets received as noncash consideration during the ordinary course of business that are converted nearly immediately into cash as operating cash flows.
この基準では、企業に対し、トピック 820「公正価値の測定」に従って、対象となる暗号資産の価値を公正価値で報告することを求めています。
The standard will require entities to report the value of qualifying cryptoassets at fair value in accordance with Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement.
Cryptoassets that align with all of the following will fall within the scope of the standard:
- meet the definition of intangible assets as defined in the Codification Master Glossary; Codification Master Glossaryにおける定義で、無形資産の定義に当てはまる
- do not provide the asset holder with enforceable rights to, or claims on, underlying goods, services, or other assets; 資産保有者に、基礎となる商品、サービス、またはその他の資産に対する強制可能な権利または請求権を提供するものでない
- are created or reside on a distributed ledger based on blockchain technology; ブロックチェーン技術に基づく分散台帳上で作成される、または存在するものである
- are secured through cryptography; 暗号化によって保護されている
- are fungible; and 交換可能である
- are not created or issued by the reporting entity or its related parties. 報告企業またはその関連当事者によって作成または発行されたものではない