But an unstated, higher price is how global comparability in written standards could disguise diversity in practice. Comparability requires uniform standards and uniform application. It would be surprising if people in the 100 countries endorsing international standards achieved uniform application, considering the varying political, economic and cultural environments that exist in the world and absence of any global enforcement authority that could overcome them.
Every important accounting decision requires judgment. People making the judgments do so in local, not global, contexts. Judgments differ between countries to reflect local conditions, such as legal norms; financial market size and scope, ownership concentration, the character and status of the auditing profession and the press, and a government's role in an economy.
Champions of international standards say that converging global markets make uniform global accounting inevitable. Yet divergent accounting will persist, given enduring local diversity. Some believe that adopting uniform written standards can influence local behaviour. While this is possible, it would require a global enforcement authority that does not exist and is unlikely to appear. So the proposals risk misleading investors into believing that nominal uniformity means real uniformity.
(本筋とはあまり関係ありませんが、会計に政府が介入した例として日本のことが取り上げられています。When accounting rules required Japanese banks to record big losses on large loans in the 1990s, Japan's government intervened against doing so to avert a national financial crisis. (1990年代、会計ルール上、日本の銀行は債権に対して多額の損失を計上しなければならなかったのに、金融危機回避のため、日本の政府は損失計上させないよう介入した。)海外ではそういうふうにみられているようです。)