- IFRS第1号「国際財務報告基準の初度適用」
- IFRS第7号「金融商品:開示」及びそれに付属するIFRS第7号に関する適用ガイダンス
- IFRS第9号「金融商品」
- IFRS第10号「連結財務諸表」
- IAS第7号「キャッシュ・フロー計算書」
IASB issues annual improvements to IFRS Accounting Standards(IFRS財団)
IASB proposes amendments for translating financial information into hyperinflationary currencies(IFRS財団)
Proposals in this exposure draft
In the situations considered, the reporting entity or the reporting entity’s foreign operation has a functional currency that is the currency of a non-hyperinflationary economy. And in both situations the reporting entity’s presentation currency is the
currency of a hyperinflationary economy. Applying the requirements in IAS 21, the entity translates income, expenses and comparative amounts at historical exchange rates. The IASB observed that in a hyperinflationary economy, money loses purchasing power at such a rapid rate that information is generally useful only if amounts are expressed in terms of a measuring unit current at the end of the most recent reporting period.
The IASB concluded that requiring the entity to present income, expenses and comparative amounts in terms of a measuring unit current at the end of the entity’s reporting period would increase the usefulness of that financial information and remove existing diversity.
Consequently, the IASB proposes that when an entity translates amounts from a functional currency that is the currency of a non-hyperinflationary economy to a presentation currency that is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy, the entity
translates those amounts, including comparative amounts, using the closing rate at the date of the most recent statement of financial position. The IASB expects this translation method, which is already used in other situations (see paragraph 42 of IAS 21), would result in an entity presenting amounts subject to translation in terms of a current measuring unit.
IASB proposes amendments to IFRS 19 Subsidiaries without Public Accountability: Disclosures(IFRS財団)