さしあたり、会社から四半期ごとの業績見通し(Quarterly earnings guidance)を出すのをやめようということで、四半期実績の公表をやめた方がよいという意見ではなさそうですが...。
Short-Termism Is Harming the Economy(WSJ)(要登録)
2人そろって、テレビのインタビューに登場しています。ジェイミー・ダイモンは、Business Roundtableという経営者団体の会長で、その団体も、このような主張を支持しているそうです。
Watch CNBC's full interview with Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon(CNBC)
Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon join forces to convince CEOs to end quarterly profit forecasts(CNBC)
Quarterly earnings guidanceは有害だというマッキンゼーの調査についてふれた部分(インタビューとは別)。
Those in favor of guidance say it improves communications with Wall Street, reduces share price volatility and boosts a stock's value.
But McKinsey & Co. found in a 2006 study that quarterly guidance didn't affect valuation multiples and didn't reduce share price volatility. The only significant benefit it observed was an increase in trading volumes, which is good for day traders but not useful for most other people.
Instead, McKinsey found, the practice of giving quarterly guidance took up valuable time from management and made them focus too much on the short term. Around that time, big companies like Coca Cola, UPS and AT&T said they would no longer give quarterly guidance.
Dimon, Buffett Urge CEOs to End Quarterly Earnings Forecasts(ブルームバーグ)
In the latest appeal, they said companies often hesitate to spend on technology, hiring, and research and development to meet quarterly earnings forecasts that can be affected by seasonal factors beyond their control.
In the op-ed, Dimon and Buffett said the pressure to meet short-term earnings estimates has contributed to a drop in the number of public companies in the U.S. in the past two decades. “Short-term-oriented capital markets have discouraged companies with a longer-term view from going public at all, depriving the economy of innovation and opportunity,” they said.