米国公認会計士協会の関連団体である監査品質センター (Center for Audit Quality)が、「 Non-GAAP財務指標およびKPIにおける監査人の役割:現在と将来」(The Role of Auditors in Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Performance Indicators: Present and Future)という報告書を公表したという記事。
Engaging external auditors to perform procedures outside the financial statement audit related to non-GAAP financial measures or key performance indicators (KPIs) can raise public confidence in this information, according to a Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) report issued Tuesday.
In an audit of the financial statements, auditors generally have limited responsibility for non-GAAP measures and KPIs and are not required to provide an opinion on such measures. The CAQ report, The Role of Auditors in Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Performance Indicators: Present and Future, describes these responsibilities (the CAQ is affiliated with the AICPA).
Instead, professional standards require auditors to read the other information in documents containing the audited financial statements and consider whether such information or the way it is presented is materially inconsistent with the information appearing in the audited financial statements or contains a material misstatement of fact.
The CAQ report provides examples of services that auditors could be engaged to perform related to non-GAAP measures or KPIs. These include:
・Attestation services to help the audit committee oversee non-GAAP measures and KPIs. These could include assessment of the consistency of calculations and confirming that the calculations comply with company policies.
・A compliance examination on whether the company followed SEC rules and regulations in the non-GAAP disclosures.
・Control testing related to the preparation and disclosure of non-GAAP measures.
The Role of Auditors in Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Performance Indicators:
Present and Future
Non-GAAP financial measures and KPIs are used by many companies to supplement their GAAP disclosures with amounts that portray the company’s unique story and provide insight into how management internally evaluates company performance. Given the importance of non-GAAP financial measures and KPIs in decision making, it is critical that there is clarity around how they are developed, that there is quality in their preparation, and that there is strong oversight of their reporting and disclosure. While SEC rules and the PCAOB auditing standards do not require an auditor to opine on this information, involving external auditors can contribute to its overall comparability and reliability.