

Half of accountants are bored at work

CV-Libraryという英国の会社(人材斡旋会社のようです)が1200人を調べたところによると、会計士の半数超 (54.9%)が、仕事が退屈なために新しい職を探したことがあるそうです。毎日退屈しているとの回答も19.6%ありました。

More than half of accountants (54.9%) have looked for a new job as a result of a dull work life

Meanwhile almost a fifth (19.6%) of accounting professionals said they are bored at work every single day, according to a survey from CV-Library.


The most common complaint was that daily tasks are tedious (40%), followed by the fact they do the same thing every day. Other contributing factors included not having enough to do and working alone.

他方、職業生活において退屈したことがないという回答は、 21.6%だけでした。

The survey of 1,200 professionals also found that only 21.6% stated that they never felt bored in their work life.


To fight the apathy accountants said they use different techniques such as prioritising their workload in a bid to re-engage with the work at hand. They also set themselves deadlines and take regular breaks in a bid to stay productive.

Three quarters of accountants admit to being ambitious(economia)



Three quarters of accountants (76%) told the recruitment firm Hays that they are ambitious, with 28% of them aspiring to reach CEO or CFO level. This is higher than the 21% UK average. Moreover, 40% want to reach senior management.


While pay influences 45% of accounting professionals' decision whether to move jobs, 55% are focused on other factors including culture, career progression and benefits, Hays’ What Workers Want Report found.


The recruiter also discovered that 56% of workers in the accountancy and finance industries consider bonuses to be motivating, while only 47% of employers share the same view.

Generations also hold different motivations when it comes to aspects of pay, as 68% of millennials find bonuses motivating, but 45% of generation X (those born roughly from the early 1960s to the late 1970s) say they either have no impact, or are demotivating.


Half of the accountants interviewed (51%) said they had a good or excellent work-life balance, but 66% would be attracted to work for an organisation that restricts “out of hours” working such as checking emails and taking calls, and 40% would be willing to take a pay cut for additional annual leave.


A study by ICAEW found that 91% of its millennials would describe themselves as ambitious, and 93% as optimistic.

Understanding ambition: Attracting the new generation of financial talent(ICAEW)




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