

PwC banned from auditing listed companies in India


PwC’s member firm Price Waterhouse has been banned from auditing listed companies in India for two years and ordered to pay a fine of 131m rupees (£1.5m)

この事務所(Price Waterhouse)は、破綻したSatyam Computer Servicesの監査において過失があったとされています。業務停止の対象には、現在進行中の2017/18年の監査は含まれません。

The ban comes after the firm was accused of negligence in its audit work at the now defunct Satyam Computer Services. It doesn't include 2017/18 audits for listed companies which are already in progress.

Price Waterhouseは、2001年から2008年までの監査において、目立つ異常点や多額な残高確認差異があったのに、見逃してしまったようです。

The Securities and Exchange Board of India said Price Waterhouse chose to rely on “glaring anomalies” and huge differences in the company’s balance confirmations during its audit work between 2001 and 2008.


Satyam was an IT services company which has ceased operations after an accountancy scandal in 2009. At the time, chairman Byrraju Ramalinga Raju confessed he made up about $1bn of the company’s cash on its books.

7,561件もの架空のインボイスにより売上が水増しされていました。Price Waterhouseは、毎月の銀行計算書の正確性をチェックしていませんでした。

The Indian authorities said that, from 2003 onwards, Satyam’s sales revenues were inflated by accounting for 7,561 fake invoices, and Price Waterhouse failed to check the veracity of the monthly bank statements.


In fact, it accused Price Waterhouse of ignoring the balance confirmations received by banks, which were showing true balances.


The authority warned the network structure of operations adopted by PwC, should “not be used as a shield to avoid legal implications arising out of the certifications issued user the brand of the network” in India (Price Waterhouse).

PwC ban: Scores of listed companies to soon scout for auditors(The Economic Times)


Scores of listed companies will soon have to scout for new auditors with markets regulator Sebi banning firms in the Price Waterhouse network from issuing audit certificates for two years in the multi-crore Satyam case.

会計事務所に対する現地の規制の関係だと思いますが、Price Waterhouseには、全部で11ものネットワークファームがあるそうです。処分対象は、そのうちのどれかひとつの事務所ではなく、ネットワーク全部なのでしょう。

A major player in the auditing space, Price Waterhouse has a total of 11 network firms and employs around 3,000 people in India.





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