米SECのInvestor Advisory Committeeが、「適格投資家」の定義を見直すよう求めたという記事。この見直しにより、プライベートな株式の売り出しに投資できる投資家の数が減る可能性があるという見方もあります。
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Investor Advisory Committee has called on the agency to update its age-old definition of “accredited investors,” a move that some investors fear could reduce the number of people eligible to invest in private stock offerings.
Under a standard written in 1982, an accredited investor is defined as a person with income exceeding $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300,000 for those years, or joint net worth with a spouse that exceeds $1 million at the time of the purchase, excluding the value of the primary residence. About 8.5 million investors currently qualify as accredited.
しかし、ドット・フランク法によって設けられたInvestor Advisory Committeeは、今月、SECに対し「知識のある投資決定を行い自らの利益を守るのに、1933年証券法の開示保護が必要でないような投資家を特定するという目標を、現行の定義が達成しているかどうかを検討する」よう勧告した。
But earlier this month, the Investor Advisory Committee, a creation of the Dodd-Frank Act, recommended that the SEC “seek to determine whether the current definition achieves the goal of identifying a class of individuals who do not need the [disclosure protections of the Securities Act of 1933] in order to be able to make an informed investment decision and protect their own interests.”
Investor Advisory Committeeは、個人の受けた教育、専門的資格、投資経験を考慮に入れた洗練された投資家の定義を検討することをSECに対して求めている。
The committee wants the SEC to consider a definition of sophisticated investor that takes into account an individual’s education; professional credentials, such as chartered financial analyst designation or Series 7 license; and investment experience.