
BCL QSL情報&日記.雑談です。(時間は、JST &UTC使用)

No More Printed Schedule or QSL Cards

2009年10月01日 | Weblog
来る時がキタましたねQSLゲッターでない方には、痛くもかゆくも無い話ですが、ゲッターには、寂しい情報です。Radio Sweden WEB

No More Printed Schedule or QSL Cards
With the start of the new transmission period for short and medium wave, as well as satellite, on October 25, Radio Sweden will only be publishing our broadcast schedule on the Web. This is a logical consequence of the increasing importance of the Internet as a broadcast platform and because we have stopped broadcasting our own programs in Swedish.

At the same time we are simplifying our marketing and audience services.

Listeners to our programs will find the schedules for all our languages under the heading “Frequencies/Tider och frekvenser” on the SR International homepage. When necessary and by request we will also continue to mail printed versions of our schedules in Swedish and other languages. Listeners can also contact Swedish Radio’s Listener Service department with requests.

At the same time we are discontinuing mailing QSL cards to listeners in response to reception reports.

Ingemar Löfgren
Head of SR International

R.Aparecida and R.Habana Cuba

2009年10月01日 | Weblog

本日夕方空電が強くどこも聞けなかったので、R.AparecidaとR.HABANA CUBAを聞いていました。CUBAは、6010kHzが17時頃状態良かったのですが30分ぐらいで聞こえなくなり、後6060kHzが良いようでした。

R.Aparecida ,6135kHz,2009,10,1-1740-

R.HABANA CUBA-6010kHz,2009,10,1-1700-