Radio Gloria is on 6140 khz this Sunday
Dear Listeners,
Radio Gloria is on the air this Sunday the 24th of April 2011.
The frequency will be 6140 khz, and the time slot will be 1300 to 1400 utc.
Also via coloRadio.org between 15-16 UTC
Address: Radio Gloria International Email: radiogloria@aol.com
Box 540109
D - 01311 Dresden
MV Baltic Radio – Test Transmissions on 9480 KHz
Between this Sunday and Monday MV Baltic Radio will broadcast some test- transmissions on 9480 khz.
The time slots will be 8 - 9 UTC, 11 - 12 UTC and 13 - 14 UTC.
Please sent reports to: info@mvbalticradio.de Thank You!
PS. Radio City - The Station of the Cars
Until further notice Radio City programmes will be repeated on the 3rd Saturday of the month
on MW 1368 kHz from Padova, and on 1566 kHz in Rome at 21 - 22 hours Central European Time
(at the moment corresponding to 19 - 20 hours GMT). Email: citymorecars@yahoo.ca
Good Listening 73s Tom