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Guatemala.Radio Verdad mail 頂きました。 

2011年06月16日 | Weblog

It's Very Easy to Tune the Educational and Evangelical Radio Station
“Radio Truth”
Tune us, and you will enjoy our beautiful spiritual hymns, such as God likes, and Bible readings; moreover, we will help you live a better life, through our many educational programs. ¡Listen to us, and you will enjoy it very much! See how easy it is:

Ø Get a radio set or radio recorder with an SW or SW1 band (Not FM neither AM).
Ø Buy from 25 to 100 meters of flexible electric wire. It may be single or parallel insulated wire. You may get number 18 or any other, bare or insulated. It doesn't matter.
Ø Over you house, or over the highest floor of the building (the highest the best), tie one end of the wire on the highest end of a pole, stick, tube, column or even a tree. Then, tie the same wire on top of another pole, stick, tube, column or even a tree on the other extreme of the house or building. Preferably, set it from north to south. Follow the illustration below, on the left side.
Ø Take down the rest of the wire to your radio set, bare the insulation of the end of the wire (if it has it), and connect it well to your radio set's antenna.
Ø Now, everything is ready. Turn on your radio set, move the band selector to SW or SW1, and tune "Radio Truth" very slowly, looking for the number 4.0 Mhz., or 74.028 Mts., such as it is shown in the illustration below, on the right side. Digital 4055 Khz.
Ø If you live in Guatemala's East or North East, you will be able to pick up our signal from before five in the morning, up to eleven p.m. (Guatemala time) We'll start our night transmissions very soon. If you live in the rest of Guatemala, or West of Honduras or El Salvador, you will be able to pick up our signal most of the day, except for two or three hours at noon. If you live in the rest of the world, we advise you to set a much longer antenna, or special antenna, and you will be able to pick up our signal from before five in the morning, up to six thirty; then, from five in the afternoon, up to twelve five at night. ¡Now, you can start enjoying the beautiful Christian and educational programs of the Educational and Evangelical Radio Station "Radio Truth", which is being tuned in the whole world! If you are not able to tune it, consult us.

You can set your antenna this way: Where you can find "Radio Truth:
Dial of your Radio Ô

âOver Internet also, at: www.radioverdad.org
What to do if the band is very noisy to Tune
"Radio Truth"
Most noises, in the tropical bands, are mainly caused by local interference of home appliances which can be avoided, such as: Electric transformers, fluorescent lamps, computers, microwave ovens, wireless and cellular telephones, mixers, welders, etc. To achieve a clear signal, we advise you the following steps:

In your short wave radio, with the band SW, on the frequency of 4055 Khz., or 74.028 meters, install an external antenna and connect it to the antenna of your radio, which should preferably be shut off, so that it may work only the external one.
Don't use a television antenna, F. M., neither any similar ones. It works better with a long wire antenna, led from North to South, or Northeast to Southwest.
It is preferable that the antenna be not too long, because it will probably only increase the noise, or static " hiss ". We advise you an antenna from about 25 to 100 meters long, unless you have had a better experience using much longer. In Guatemala, it is enough 25 meters.
The antenna should be set from North to South, or Northeast to Southwest, in the highest part of the building, sustained in an isolated way, between two poles. The wire should be of several tied together threads, which can be preferably bare, or covered with rubber or plastic. Towards that wire antenna, connect a soldered coaxial cable, or microphone cable, without connecting the shield wire that surrounds the central wire. That coaxial wire descends to the receiving radio set, connecting the central wire to the antenna of the receiver, using a small clamp. The ground, shield, or the wire that surrounds the central wire, should be connected to a faucet, or to a nail introduced into a damp ground of a wet garden. Make sure that the bare wire of the antenna doesn't make any contact to any metal nor other objects of the building.
It is preferable not to use in the house fluorescent lamps, because, frequently they send to the radio set strong noises that won't allow to hear the signal of the station as well. But, if you need to use the fluorescent lamps, make sure that they are under good conditions, with a good starter and with a new tube. If you follow these advises, there will be much less noise.
Try to connect the receiving radio set in an electric line, different to that on which the apparatuses that produce interference are connected.
Don't put to work any interfering apparatuses at the same time when listening to your radio.
When it is raining, you can't prevent listening the noises of the thunders and lightnings, so don't try to eliminate them, or you may lessen the quality of our signal.
Now, everything is ready. Turn on your radio, set the band selector on SW or SW1, and tune Radio Truth slowly, looking for the number 4055 Khz., or 74.028 Mts., just as you can see in the illustration below, on the right side.
If you live on the East and Northeast of Guatemala, you will be able to tune us from five in the morning, up to eleven at night. If you live in the rest of Guatemala and the West of Honduras and El Salvador, you can listen to us during most of the day, except for some two or three hours at noon. If you live in the rest of the world, you may be able to tune us from five in the morning, up to six thirty; then, from five in the afternoon up to eleven at night. You can already enjoy the beautiful Christian and educational programs of the Evangelical Educational Station "Radio Truth", which is listened in the entire world! If you don't achieve tuning our station, please consult us right now. Address to: Radio Truth, Box 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala, C. A.

You can set your antenna this way: Where you can find "Radio Truth:
Dial of your Radio Ô

Tune us, y you will really like it!