
BCL QSL情報&日記.雑談です。(時間は、JST &UTC使用)

EMR relay this Sunday

2009年10月18日 | Weblog
EMR relay this Sunday

Date 18th of October 2009

Time 09.00 to 10.00 utc

Channel 6140 khz


09.00 Tom Taylor programme

09.30 Mike Taylor (Mail Box programme)

EMR Internet radio service on Sunday and Monday

Programme repeats are at the following times:

0900 - 1200 - 1500 - 1800 and 2000 utc

Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button

which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).

Please send all reception reports to: studio@emr.org.uk Good Listening 73s Tom

Radio City Relay on 9510 kHz

2009年10月16日 | Weblog
Dear Listeners,

This Saturday Radio City will return to the Airwaves via Nexus

(ex. IRRS) with 150 kW on 9510 kHz.

The time slot is 10.00 - 11.00 CET (at the moment 08.00-09.00 GMT).

The first broadcast will be on the 17th October 2009.

Our contact address is still citymorecars@yahoo.ca

Best regards Radio City - the Station of the Cars

Good listening 73s Tom

Tom Taylor氏 いつも情報有難う御座います。


2009年10月16日 | Weblog

本日REPを出しに郵便局に行きました。この前は、ゲゲゲのシリーズ購入し本日は、懐かしい漫画シリーズ愛と誠なんか懐かしいです。タイガーマスクは、ソフビ?人形買ってマスク取替えてリングも買って遊びました。なにか変な匂いがした記憶があります。空手バカ一代もあります。憧れて空手もカジリ、結局は、少林寺でしたれど、、、まぁとにかく懐かしい一品、全てREPの返信用に使いますけど、、(笑) 昔切手ブームの頃思うと考えられないですよね、、、

ADXB特別記念 QSL発行

2009年10月16日 | Weblog

ADXB-OE QSL-Action in cooperation with Radio Slovakia International
Dear Listeners,

Together with Radio Slovakia International, the Austrian DX Board (ADXB) is sponsoring an initiative for a special QSL card for correct reception reports between 1 November-2009 and 31 January 2010.
後は、Radio Slovakia InternationalのWEBご覧下さい。



2009年10月15日 | Weblog

29th , September , 2009 6225kHz (JST): 04: 20 ~  

I can confirm that your reception report is correct.
Good luck

Michael O’Rourke
Head of Technology

RTÉ Radio | Donnybrook | Dublin 4

T: +353 1 2083553 | Mobile: +353 87 2938272

E: michael.orourke@rte.ie

W: http://www.rte.ie

P Before printing, think about the environment

Tom Taylor 氏より EMR Schedule

2009年10月14日 | Weblog

EMR relay this Sunday

Date 18th of October 2009

Time 09.00 to 10.00 utc

Channel 6140 khz


09.00 Tom Taylor programme

09.30 Mike Taylor (Mail Box programme)

EMR Internet radio service on Sunday and Monday

Programme repeats are at the following times:

0900 - 1200 - 1500 - 1800 and 2000 utc

Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button

which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).

Please send all reception reports to: studio@emr.org.uk Good Listening 73s Tom

Radio Prague 短波中止?

2009年10月13日 | Weblog
Radio Prague called on terminate it's shortwave broadcasts

I have been in Prague this past week and met David Vaughan, the former head of the English Section. It has just been announced that the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs is looking for Radio Prague to end all shortwave transmissions from the Czech Republic at the end of 2009. This would be an irreversible step. Radio Prague is the only customer at Litomysl and this would result in the closing and dismantling of that transmitter site.

Dear Friends of Radio Prague,
You are probably not yet aware that the future of Radio Prague – the international service of Czech Radio – is under serious threat. The station began shortwave broadcasts in 1936 and, with the exception of the period of the wartime German occupation, has been broadcasting to the world ever since. Like most international public service broadcasters, Radio Prague is state financed. It is paid for through the state budget, via the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Radio Prague is facing a 20% cut in its budget for 2010.
