
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Nan Hot Pot

2025年03月01日 12時06分00秒 | グルメ
Why do I have to go in such a hot summer day to eat hotpot 
Hot plus hot 

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2025年02月27日 09時40分32秒 | Lilo
Super nice creamy mushroom
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MOW - 20,02,2025

2025年02月20日 12時58分52秒 | ministry of word
Someone may say, "Since I am a believer, I am a member of Christ." Generally speaking, this saying is right. Strictly speaking, however, as a natural man, you are not a member of Christ. It is only when the life of Christ, the nature of Christ, and everything of Christ have entered your being to regenerate and reconstitute you that you become a member of Christ. Originally you were altogether a natural person and not a member of Christ. In order to be a member of Christ you must be reconstituted. How can you be reconstituted? Christ has to enter into you to regenerate you, and He has to continue to enter into you, to dispense His element into you, in order to constitute you. As a result, your entire being, from the inside to the outside, will pass through a process of thorough reconstituting, so that you will no longer be what you were originally, but you will be a regenerated and transformed person. Only this regenerated, transformed person can be a member of Christ. 
- "One Body, One Spirit, and One New Man" PP 19-20

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1 Timothy 4:6

2025年02月19日 09時58分39秒 | Verse Sharing
1 Timothy 4:6 If you lay these things before the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, being nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching which you have closely followed.

Nourishment is related to life. All the words in the Bible are words oflife, words that are nourishing and healthy. It is important that we all receive nourishment from the word of God.
if we would be nourished by the word, we must be free from all preoccupying concepts. We need to lay aside the veils of culture, domestic logic, and national philosophy. We need to read the word of God without wearing any colored glasses, that is without any preoccupying concepts. Then we shall receive both nourishment and revelation.
- "Life Study of Philippians" P316
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2025年02月12日 16時11分19秒 | Lilo
this is the day to eat tang yuan
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