
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 20,02,2025

2025年02月20日 12時58分52秒 | ministry of word
Someone may say, "Since I am a believer, I am a member of Christ." Generally speaking, this saying is right. Strictly speaking, however, as a natural man, you are not a member of Christ. It is only when the life of Christ, the nature of Christ, and everything of Christ have entered your being to regenerate and reconstitute you that you become a member of Christ. Originally you were altogether a natural person and not a member of Christ. In order to be a member of Christ you must be reconstituted. How can you be reconstituted? Christ has to enter into you to regenerate you, and He has to continue to enter into you, to dispense His element into you, in order to constitute you. As a result, your entire being, from the inside to the outside, will pass through a process of thorough reconstituting, so that you will no longer be what you were originally, but you will be a regenerated and transformed person. Only this regenerated, transformed person can be a member of Christ. 
- "One Body, One Spirit, and One New Man" PP 19-20

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MOW - 28,11,2024

2024年11月28日 12時54分45秒 | ministry of word
God is embodied in the Son, and the Son is realzed as the Spirit for God's dispensing, so that God can dispense Himself into man. The Spirit is the realization of the Son, and the Son is the embodiment of God. By these two items, God dispenses Himself into His chosen people. The way for God to dispense Himself into His chosen people is for Him to first embody Himself in the Son. When the Son came, He came with the Father and by the Spirit, so He was the embodiment of the Triune God while He was on this earth. Second, the Son as the embodiment of the Triune God, is realized as the Spirit. The Spirit is the realization of the Son, who is the embodiment of God. By this way God dispenses Himself into us. The Spirit is the ultimate consummation of the processed Triune God reaching us.
- "The Divine Economy" P79

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MOW - 05,11 2024

2024年11月05日 10時12分40秒 | ministry of word
The keeping of the Sabbath means that you can take only God and all that He has done for you as your satisfaction, enjoyment, and rest. Keeping the Sabbath indicates that you have nothing on earth other than God; you take only God Himself and all that He has accomplished for you as your enjoyment, satisfaction, and rest. Your God is your everything, and He has accomplished for you. All you need to do is enjoy Him and take Him as your satisfaction and rest. 
- "the Law and Grace of God in His Economy" P15
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MOW - 02,11,2024

2024年11月02日 13時00分45秒 | ministry of word
What we need is the coming of the Lord Jesus into ma kind. In His coming He was anointed by Jehovah to announce the gospel to the poor, and He was sent to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send away in release those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the year of God's acceptance of man, the year of jubilee, which is the year of grace. The year of jubiless is the time when God forgives and accetps man.
- "the Jubilee" P12
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The difference between a member and a Christian

2024年10月21日 15時49分21秒 | ministry of word
the New Testament shows us that there is a difference between being a member and being a Christian. BEing a Christian is something individualistic, whereas being a member is something corporate. Being a Christian is something one does for himself, whereas being a member is something for the Body. In the Bible there are many terms with opposite meanings, such as purity and uncleanness, holiness and commonness, victory and defeat, the Spirit and the flesh, Christ and Satan, the kingdom and the world, and glory and shame. All these are opposites. In the same way, the Body is in opposition to the individual. Just as the Father is versus the world, the Spirit is versus the flesh, and the Lord is versus the devil, so also is the Body versus the individual. Once a man sees the Body of Christ, he is free from individualism. He will no longer live for himself but for the Body. Once I am delivered from individualism, I am spontaneously in the Body. 
- "the Mystery of Christ" PP16-17

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MOW - 25,09,2024

2024年09月25日 12時54分25秒 | ministry of word
Christ is the allotted portion of the saints. Gid determined to give His Son, the all-inclusive Christ, to us. We are the saints, and God has given Christ to us as our blessed portion. 
Christ is our portion. This portion is God's beloved Son, who is the image of God, God's expression. Christ is the Firstborn of all creation; He leads all things to express God. When all things were affected by the fall, He shed His blood in order to restore and reconcile all things to God. Christ also resurrected from the dead to become the Firstborn from the dead in order to bring all His redeemed people into resurrection. Thus, Christ is the Firstborn of all creation and also the Firstborn from the dead. He has the first place in God's creation and in God's new creation.
- "The Great Mystery - Christ and the Church" P34
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MOW - 25,09,2024

2024年09月25日 10時53分54秒 | ministry of word
the Christ who is our life is not only God but also a man. He is not only the Creator but also a creature. On the one hand, Christ in us is our life today, but on the other hand, He is our hope for the future. Christ is God and also a man. He is the Creator and also a creature. Christ is mysterious.
Because Christ is the Creator and a creature, when He becomes our life, He gives us His humility as well as His dignity. Christ in us is not simple. Concerning His dignity, He is the Creator; concerning His humility, He is a creature. Because we have His life, we are dignified when dignity is needed, and we are humble when humility is needed. When we are low, He uplifts us, and when we are high, He brings us down. He makes us neither hight nor low. We are noble when dignity is required, and we are humble when humility is required. We can be dignified because the indwelling Christ is the Creator who has the element of dignity, and we can be humble because He is also a creature with the element of humility.
- "The Great Mystery - Christ and the Church" P26
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MOW - 07,08,2024

2024年08月07日 10時49分36秒 | ministry of word
The Body of Christ is the expression of Christ. It is also the fullness of Christ, which is the fullness of God. This fullness of God comes into existence in a pracrical way by our being stregthened into the inner man, by Christ making His home in our hearts, by our being rooted and grounded in love, by our grasping the dimensions of the immeasurable Christ, and by ouor knowing Him as the knowledge-surpassing love. When we have been filled with all the riches of Christ and metabolically saturated with all that Christ is, we become the fullness of God. 
- "Life Study of Ephesians" P295
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MOW - 01,08,2024

2024年08月01日 13時34分28秒 | ministry of word
To abie in the Lord is to live a life in union with the Lord, that is, to live in the Lord. Branches that abide in the vine live in the vine and have a life in union with the vine. In like manner, when we abide in the Lord, we live in the Lord, and we have a life in union with the Lord, we live in the Lord, and we have a life in union with the Lord. Furthermore, branches that abide in the vine take the life of the vine as their life, live in the life of the vine, and thereby live out the life of the vine. In like manner, when we abide in the Lord, we take His life as our life, we live in His life, and thereby we live out His life. Such an abiding requires that we deny and reject the self and the life of the self; that is, we need to reject the soul-life, the natural life. 
When we live by the self, we cannot live in the Lord. The self cannot co-exist with the Lord, nor can the life of the slef co-exist with His life. If we live in the self, we cannot live in the Lord, and if we live by the life of the self, we cannot live by the Lord's life. Hence, in order to abide in the Lord, we must deny and reject the self and its life. 
- "the Operation of God and the Anointing" P33

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MOW - 26,07,2024

2024年07月26日 11時03分17秒 | ministry of word
To walk worthily of God's calling is not simply to be kind, humble, and loving. It is to be imprisoned, confined, in Christ, where we see the vision. By seeing this vision, we experience Christ, and Christ is wrought into our being to make us stewards to dispense the riches of Christ into others. We also become ministers dispensing the riches of Christ to the members of the Body so that the Body may be built up. We all  need to be imprisoned in Christ so that we may experience Him more and minister more of Him to others. 
- "Life Study of Epheisians" P249
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