
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Revelation 17:14

2023年03月27日 09時21分37秒 | HWMR

Revelation 17:14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and they who are with Him, the called and chosen and faithful, will also overcome them.

one of the most crucial characteristics of those who were produced to be the overcomers by the overcoming Christ, is "faithfulness". we are not faithful and we have no faithfulness in ourselves. But God is faithful, and He is constituting Himself into us to produce faithfulness within us. When we are constituded with God, the very faithful One, we can and will become faithful, and we must be faithful to God.
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HWMR - 03,03,2023

2023年03月03日 05時31分18秒 | HWMR

We have been grafted into Christ, becoming the branches of the vine tree revealed in John 15. We have been grafted into Christ by this all-inclusive Spirit. when we believed into Jesus as the Savior, this all-inclusive Spirit came into us, delivering us from all the negative things on the negative side and grafting us into Christ so that we might become a branch of Christ on the positive side.
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HWMR - 24,02,2023

2023年02月24日 05時36分15秒 | HWMR
Once we see the love of Jesus, we will be so constrained, so captured, and so attracted. We will spotaneously love Him. Then by loving Him, we will enjoy Him. 

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