through the word of God, we can see the church as the Body of Christ, the fullness of Christ. as we can see in our physical body, though many different parts, like hands, fingers, still one body. so also is the church, the Body of Christ, though many members, still one Body. Ephesians 5:25 says that Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. the Lord died on the cross to redeem us, with the view of making us part of the church. He loved us and died for us so that we may be members of His Body.
oneness is the essence of the Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. so oneness is manifested in the four great acts of God:
1. creation: God did not creat many men. rather, God created one corporate man, Adam.
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
we read this verse, we can see first God said "let US make man". here "man" is singular. but later in the same verse, it says, "and let them have dominion". here the word becomes plural, "them". so did God create one man? or did God creat many many men? God's intention is not to have many men; it is to have a corporate man. This is for the keeping of the oneness.
2. selection: God did not call many men out of the fallen mankind, but God called one man Abraham to start the called race.
from the book of Genesis, we can see, at the time when men became fallen to such an extent, God had no way to go on with the created race, the race of Adam. so God called one man Abraham to leave the land of idolatry, to leave his relatives, even his father's household. here the same principle is applied as the time of creation.
3. new creation: the church as the corporate man, is the one new man.
4. the new city, the New Jerusalem: one street, one tree of life, one river of life. everything is manifesting the oneness .
what is the essence of this oneness? it is life and light.
after God created Adam, God put him in front of the tree of life. why? God was presenting to Adam Himself as the source of life and also the supply of life. the oneness is preserved in this life. If Adam had taken in the fruit of the tree of life, he, as the created corporate man, would have kept the oneness.
later on, when Israel became a big nation, coming out of Egpyt, travelling in the wilderness, and eventually entering to the good land, we can see that the tabernacle, later one the temple, was where the people would have God's speaking, God' oracle. three times every year, all the male Israelities all went up to Jerusalem to keep the feasts. this is also for the keeping of the oneness on the proper ground. when Jeroboam set up another worshipping center in Dan, causing division, the history of Israel fell into darkness and confusion. during the time of the old priest Eli, the Bible said, the word of Jehovah was rare. God's speaking brings in lifht, and light issues in life. When we do not hae God's speaking, we have death and darkness. Death and darkness damage the Body and cause the members to become detached. in John chapter 17, the Lord was praying for this oneness. and in His prayer, we can see the crucial elements for the keeping of the oneness. the Lord prayed for the Father to keep the believers in His holy name, sanctify them in the truth. the Father's name is a matter of life, and the Father's truth is a matter of light. life and light, therefore, a re the very essence of oneness.
in Deutoranoy we can see that God commanded the people of Israel that when they entered into the good land, they must destroy all the places of worship set up by the heathern people, on the mountins, on the hills, or under every flourishing tree. they were not supposed to follow the way of the nations, but they needed to worship God according to God's way and go to the place where God has chosen. so here we can see two matters God commanded His people. First, they must destroy all other worshipping places, to destroy idolatry. Second, they must go to the place of God's choice to worship God, which is for the keeping of oneness. Today, for usl New Testament believers, we also must keep God's commandment. we cannot participate in idolartry, and we must worship God on the proper ground of oneness. we cannot have our own choice or preference. if we choose whatever or wherever we like, we are not fearing God.
John 17:23 I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected into one, that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.
from the Lord's prayer in John 17 for the oneness of the believers, we can see that the genuine oneness is not to add all the believers together and cause everyone to be in mutual agreement or harmony. the oneness is the mingling of the Triune God with the believers. the Triune God is one, with the Father, the Son and the Spirit all being one. while this Triune God who is one, is being mingled with the believers, that is the application of the oneness of the Triune God to the believers, making all the believers one, even as the Triune God is one. the more we receive the divine anointing of the Triune God, the more we are being built into the oneness of the Triune God, which is also the oneness of the church, the believers.
Psalm 133:2 It is like the fine oil upon the head / That ran down upon the beard, / Upon Aaron’s beard, / That ran down upon the hem of his garments;
Psalm 133:3 Like the dew of Hermon / That came down upon the mountains of Zion. / For there Jehovah commanded the blessing: / Life forever
Psalm 133 is a psalm describing the oneness of the church. on one aspect, it mentions the fine oil coming down from the beard to the garment of Aaron. here Aaron, as a figure of Christ as our heavenly High Priest, He is the One upon whom God has anointed. but here the oil comes from the head to the body, which means that here the Christ is not the individual Christ, but the corporate Christ, including Christ Himself as the Head, and also His corporate Body, the church. only when there is oneness, there is the fine oil flowing from the Head to the Body. on the other aspect, we can also see the dew of the Hermon, coming down upon the mountains of Zion. here we can see "the mountains of Zion", which shows the two aspects of the church, Zion, typifying the uninversal church, and the mountains, typifying the local churches. only when there is the genuine oneness in the church, there can be the dew coming upon the mountains of Zion, as the grace of God.
but then in the history, this oneness was damaged and then lost. there were two crucial person which can be considered to contribute to the damage and loss of the oneness.
1. king Solomon: he was such a great king in the history of Israel. he built the temple, and he had such a wonderful prayer at the finishing of the building of the temple. but then he indulged himself in lust, by having so many wives and comcubines, who turned his heart away to follow pagan idols. he took the lead to build the high places for the idol sacrifices. God appeared to him twice at least, but this could not help him to return to God. then because of his failure, the kingdom split into two.
2. Jeroboam: cannot count how many times in 1&2 Kings, and 1&2 Chronicles, it repeated "in the sin of Jeroboam". Jeroboam got the ten tribes of the kingdom. but, because he was afraid that people would return to the house of David if they went to Jerusalem for the feasts, he made two golden calves, putting one in Bethel and one in Dan, in order to prevent Israel pepole from going back to Jerusalem, the place God had chosen to keep feasts. Jerobaom did this all because of his ambition. He wanted to keep the ten tribes for his own kingdom, not at all caring for God's interest, and the oneness of the people.
for us today, the "high places" could be a certain doctrine, a certain practice, or even some scriptrual thing, a bible study meeting, anything that is elevated and uplifted in place of Christ. we should exalt Christ and Christ alone.
the unveiling of the divine revelation in the word of God is progressive and consummated in the last book, the book of Revelation. in Revelation 22, the last chapter, we see the Spirit and the bride, the all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit mingled with all His redeemed and transformed believers. this is the ultimate and consummate revelation. therefore, we cannot stay in the beginning of the word, but we need to follow the Lord all the way to the very last revelation in His holy word. we must be Christians who enjoy the processed, all-inclusive, life-giving Triune God mingled with the churches.