

Oxalis Traiangularis オギザレス (紫の舞)

2021-08-10 04:20:52 | 日記
Oxalis Triangularis 

I first came across Oxalis Triangularis many years ago at a Taiwanese student's home. I instantly liked the flower, but nobody knew its name. It's almost like a purple version of Shamrock, which all Canadian florists have for Easter. Before I left her home, the student gave me a small pot of Oxalis as she must've sensed I liked the flower.

Although I gave good care to Oxalis, it died away. I was sad and was disappointed. However, within a year later, I found a new Oxalis plant in another houseplant pot. And then in another one and another one. I still don't know how the little Oxalis bulb transferred from its original soil to the others.

A few years later, we moved from a house to an apartment with a two-level patio, and we started growing many potted outdoor plants. They are lavender, mints, rosemary, fuchsias, geraniums, peonies, forsythia, crabapple tree, purple sage salvia, thyme, wisteria, and so and so on.

Now there are two significant changes in our patio plants: The first surprise was the geraniums we left outside over the winter did not die but became mightier and flourishing larger flowers! In other words, they became perennial, perhaps due to global warming, or maybe I should say global WARNING.
さてこのパティオに二つの大きな変化が生じました。まずはジェラニュームが外で冬を越し力強く大きな花を咲かせたのです。多分温暖化のために一年草が多年草化したのでしょう。温暖化と言うよりは温暖化警告(Global Warmingウォーミング、Warning ウォーニング)と言った方が良いでしょう。

The other surprise was the sudden random appearance of Oxalis among the patio pots! Oxalis is native to Brazil, where the average temperature is above 20C. Thus they grow in warm and humid places like South America, Cuba, and Taiwan, and so on, but not supposed to be here in Vancouver, where we have long and unrelenting winter. However, at least for the last several years, Vancouver's winter hasn't been unrelenting at all and, it's even better here than in Tokyo. Global warming and warning!

Another thing I noticed about Oxalis is that it prefers to live with someone else rather than by itself. She is very friendly, congenial, and cooperative. Moreover, she looks harmonious with the main plant she is dwelling with, and most of all, she doesn't eat up all the nutrients from the soil as the parasites do.

Oxalis has her mind. Maybe she wasn't pleased to be brought to Canada and was placed indoors; instead, she always wanted to dwell with someone else in the sunny outdoors. Her two wishes finally came true partly by global warming/warning. She would be happiest if she stayed in her native land instead of being brought to foreign countries that do not suit her.

