

Black Eyed Susan??

2021-07-29 15:51:25 | 日記
I don’t remember seeing these flowers in Japan, but they are prevalent in North America.
It almost looks like a miniature sunflower.
Now I am a bit confused about the meaning of its name. First, I thought it means Susan with black eyes, but someone said to me many years ago, “black-eyed“ means you got some bruised eyes, perhaps by some fights or an accident. I still don’t know which one is right. If someone knows the answer, please let me know.

The name “Susan” comes from Hebrew, which means “Lily,” meaning ordinary, kind, and loving. As you can see from the picture above, “Black-Eyed Susan” may not be an outstanding beauty, yet she can be an excellent friend, colleague, boss, wife, or mother.

“Black-Eyed Susan” is a hardy perennial. The flowers come back every year even you don’t care about them at all.

Black-Eyed Susan

この花の名前はその通りに”黒い瞳のスーザン”だと思っていました。ところが、ある人によると、”パンチなどを食らって目の周りが黒くなってしまったスーザン”という意味だと話しています。どちらが正しいのでしょうか? ご存知の方教えてください。

スーザンという名前はヘブライ語で百合で、平凡、親切、優しい、などの意味があります。上の写真からもお分かりのように、”Black Eyed Susan”は特別目立つような美人ではないかもしれませんが、きっと素晴らしいお友達、同僚、上司、奥さん、お母さんになるでしょうね。

Black Eyed Susan はとても丈夫な多年草なので、全然手入れをしなくても毎年決まって綺麗な花を咲かせてくれるのです。

1.  Susan has beautiful black eyes. 
2.  Susan got black-eyed from the accident. 

罪と罰をオーディオブックで / Try Crime and Punishment by Audiobook

2021-07-19 08:33:48 | 日記
Have you read Dostoevsky’s"Crime and Punishment”?

I tried several times, but I never made it to the last page.

This time I’ve finally overcome my problems by using the audiobook in modern English.

I picked up the audiobook to keep my company while doing a long and monotonous garden work.

Audiobooks are perfect for quiet and simple tasks like gardening.

Besides, the English versions of most famous literature like Crime and Punishment is free in audiobook, ebook or Kindle format.

Although many masterpieces are free in Japanese language, the free service tends to end halfway through.

As I love audiobooks, I use them all the time in Canada.

I tried listening to audiobooks in Japan, but it didn’t work well.

One of the reasons is the lifestyle difference between Japan and Canada.

In Canada, I listen while driving or while walking, but in Japan, especially in the big city like Tokyo, it is difficult to hear the words when on trains or buses or just walking outside because of the noise.

The second reason seems to be that the Japanese audiobooks are too expensive.

It is because Japanese-speaking population is much fewer than that of English, which results in Japanese audiobooks being sold at high prices.

The English-speaking population is 1.5 billion while the Japanese-speaking is only about 100 million.

Thirdly, I realized that the narrating or listening time of Japanese audiobooks is almost twice as long as the English.

For example, it takes nearly 40 hours to finish listening in Japanese, whereas only 20-25 hours in English depending on a narrator.

I listened to Crime and Punishment halfway through by a narration of Mr. Toshihiko Nishimura on YouTube. It is an excellent naration with a strong flavour of 19th century Russia, which reminded me of the theatres in Showa era.

In contrast, the English version is based on the modern English translation and I almost feel as if I was watching a Hollywood movie.

In order to align with today's theme, I chose Higanbana (Manjushage), which contains the highly poisonous "choline" in its bulbs.

Higanbana is a very beautiful bright red flower, however, it is often called an ominous flower perhaps because of its poison

In Engliush it is simply called Spider Lilly. Unlike Japanese name, it doesn't sound dark or sinister at all, does it?

Is it only I who still feel that Higanbana is an uncanny yet a passionate flower?

相貌失認症(プロソパグノシア) / Prosopagnosia

2021-07-15 04:41:16 | 日記
The picture of the boat above is what I happened to see this morning. The four boats are all about the same size, especially the two on the right in the same color.

Now, have you heard of the word “Prosopagnosia?”

The first time I heard this word was when I watched one of the Japanese TV series called the Partners.

The police detective Ukyo Sugishita, played by Yutaka Mizutani, said that a woman involved in the case might have “prosopagnosia.”"

According to Detective Sugishita, who has an amazing encyclopedic knowledge and memory, “prosopagnosia” is a disease in which a person's face cannot be remembered.

After having watched the TV show, I started to wonder if I may also have “prosopagnosia”.

This is because I often get lost of the story line when I watch a drama with many characters played by actors and actresses I hardly know.

Also, when I meet an unexpected person in an unexpected place, the other person may notice me and tries to speak to me, but I often fail to recognize the person.

The people’s ability to identify faces seems to be quite different from time to time.

According to the studies many people fail to remember the faces of different races.

On the contrary, it seems to be easy to remember the faces of those with same sex, age group and nationality.

Like any other mental illnesses, it is not easy to draw a line between normal state and prosopagnosia.

However, if it becomes impossible to distinguish between people who you meet every day,
such as family members, wouldn't it fall into the category of the disease?

According to some researches, about 2% of the population is diagnosed with the illness.

I did some research, but in the end I was in the normal range with some traces of oddities.

Now, ”prosopagnosia” is a difficult word, but in Japanese you can usually imagine its meaning by looking at the kanji or characters.

However, in English, it won’t work like this.

Prosopagnosiaは正式な医学用語で、語源はギリシャ語のProsopon (顔)とAgnosia(欠乏)からきています。
“Prosopagnosia” is a medical term, which is from the Greek words Prosopon (face) and Agnosia (deficiency).

However, since the word “Prosopagnosia” is very difficult to remember and to to pronounce, it is generally called “Face Blindness”just like “Colour Blindness”.

Generally, Japanese is often said to be a troublesome language because it requires cumbersome character conversions,

but the proper use of kanji can make Japanese handier and smarter language than others.

海辺のタンポポ Dandelions on the shore

2021-07-06 05:03:29 | 日記
Today’s title, “Dandelions on the Shore” is a twist from one of my most favorite Murakami’s novels, “Kafka on the Shore.”

For several years, I haven’t seen dandelions here in Vancouver.

However, I have found a group of dandelions growing on the rocky shore near my home.

They seem to be growing so vigorously on the rocky shore with almost no soil.

Dandelions have been the most hated of all weeds so far.

Especially when even a single dandelion begins to grow on a beautiful lawn, it must be quickly removed to the roots.

As you can see from the photo above, North American dandelions have very long and slender stems and surprisingly strong and long roots.

Now, do you know where the name “Dandelion” comes from?

Most of the English words come from Latin or Greek, and in this case it is from Latin.

中世ラテン語からフランス語のdent de lion(ライオンの歯)を経て英語のdandelionになったようです。
It is said that the English word "Dandelion" originally come from medieval Latin, then through the French word "Dent de lion" which literally means "Teeth of Lion."

This is because the dandelion leaves resemble lion's teeth.

I’m wondering if it’s a mere coincidence that the Japanese words “tooth(ha)” and “leaf(ha)” are
**homophones (homophone comes from Greek words, homo(same) phone(sound)

北国の猛暑          Unprecedented Hot Days

2021-07-05 13:03:13 | 日記
I took this photo on Monday, June 28th at about 9:20pm just before the sunset.

I took several sunset photos before but nothing is like this.

Is it because of the crazy heat?

Due to the heat wave, the west coast of North America is experiencing the extraordinary hot weather.

And even Canada, the northernmost part of it, is no exception.

The West Coast boasts a mild climate with warm winters and cool summers.

However, this year is totally different.

In Vancouver where I live, the average highest and lowest temperatures in June are 20C and 12C respectively, which are as cool asthe ones in summer resorts such as Karuizawa or Nasu.

However, this year, from June 25th to yesterday's 29th, we had five consecutive extraordinary hot days that exceeded 30C.

Monday, the 28th was the hottest day, and the temperature even exceeded 49C in some interior legions of British Columbia!

According to the news, as many as 237 people were killed in British Columbia due to the extraordinary heat.

According to meteorologists, this unprecedented high temperature is partly due to global warming, and this phenomenon will continue to attack us every summer in the future.

It has been a week after the heat wave, Vancouver has returned to normal of H24/L16,

Yet, there has been a frantic wildfire in interior BC caused by abnormal heat and dry weather.