

OKの使い方にご注意!     Be careful when you say "OK!"

2021-06-28 00:46:53 | 日記
You probably think that word “OK” always has a positive meaning.

For example, someone trips and falls, and you will ask her, “Are you OK?.”

It’s a right way of using “OK.”

However, in North America, OK can be used quite negatively.

It even sounds like people say “It’s OK” when they really wanted to say “It’s not good”or "I don't like it."

For example at a restaurant here, the waiter almost always asks us something like “Are you enjoying your dinner?" during the meal.

Of course it also depends on the person's facial expression or voice tone,

if you answered, “It’s OK”, your waiter will take it as “It’s so so”or “it’s not very good.”

The waiter may be disappointed or sometimes a little offended.

Especially it sounds pretty negative if you say that without eye contact.

Then what should I say?

Depending on how much you like it,

Excellentとっても素晴らしい、Very goodとても良いです、Good 良いです、というような具合に使い分けています。
you can say something like "Excellent, Very Good/Nice, or Good.

つまりOKは Goodよりもずっと下の評価なのです。

In other words, OK’s ranking is much lower than Good.

In general not only at restaurants but at other places like schools and so on, Canadians seem to give much better remarks than Japanese do.

Therefore, I usually use “Excellent” at a restaurant as far as there aren’t any particular problems.

Thank you so much for reading my blog.

I'd love to hear your opinions or feedbacks:)

アボカド弁護士?    Avocado vs. Avocado?

2021-06-26 07:15:12 | 日記
I happened to learn that in French they use the same word “avocado” for both lawyer and the edible plant, avocado.

I had no idea how the avocado and the lawyer ended up with the same word. But when I looked into the origins of the two words, they are completely different.

Although people usually use the conventional terms such as “lawyer” or “attorney,” its proper name is “avocate” which comes from the Spanish word “abogado” that originated from Latin word, “advocatus.”

When I you look up the etymology of avocate, as you can imagine, it means to give advice with or to "advocate".

Now, avocado is a fruit originally from Mexico. Yes, it’s a fruit. It's not a vegetable.

It is said to be a member of berries with a huge seed or pit.

Now let’s look at the origin of the name, “avocado.”

It was discovered and named “ahuacat” by the Aztec people who lived in Aztec, Mexico around 500 BC.

Shockingly “ahuacat” means a testicle because of its shape, size and texture!

Do you think French lawyers still want to eat avocados?

Luckily, in French they call women lawyer “avocate.” :)

カナダにはどんな人たちが住んでいるの?  Who live in Canada

2021-06-24 04:10:50 | 日記
In my last blog, I briefly introduced Canada as a vast country with very few population.

Now let’s think about the various races that live in Canada.

People usually associate Canada with the image of the immigrants from England and France.

And you may recall Anne of Green Gables, the singers, Celine Dion and Justin Beaver when you think of Canadians.

These people do fit the image of Canada very well.

But when you actually come to Canada, you will be surprised to see many different faces other than British and French.

The USA is also a land of immigrants just like Canada.

But there is a big difference of the nature of the immigrants.

アメリカが移民たちを皆るつぼに入れて均一化している(Melting Pot/メルティング・ポット) と呼ばれているのに対してカナダはモザイク(Mosaic) と呼ばれています。
While the USA is called melting pot, Canada is proud being a Mosaic country.

In other words, in Canada, immigrants live in their own culture, rather than adapting to the customs of the country as in the United States.

I used several pieces of my photos to demonstrate the Canadian mosaic culture.

Now it seems that what kind of ethnic group gathers in which area mainly depends on the ease of transportation to and from their own country.

For example, Toronto and Montreal have many flights to Europe, Africa, Mexico and South America. Therefore, it seems that many immigrants from these places choose to settle around these areas.

As for Vancouver, since it is situated on the west coast, most immigrant from China, the Philippines, India, etc. seem to settle there.

According to the statistics, 27%of the Vancouver population is Chinese.

Particularly in Richmond, which is located in the south of Vancouver, 53% of the population is Chinese. So, if you walk around the Richmond streets, you will wonder “Where is this place?”

Because of the extremely high Chinese population, Vancouver boasts the best Chinese food in the world!

Some people told me that one of the reasons for the high quality Chinese cuisine here is because when the super rich people move to Vancouver, the chefs of the famous restaurants often move with them. I was flabbergasted!

カナダってどんな国?      What is Canada like?

2021-06-16 13:22:54 | 旅行
What does Canada remind you of?

Yes, it's a big country. Canada is the second largest country next to Russia. (Japan is 62nd, so small!)

However, since most of Canada is in the Arctic Circle, the population is concentrated in relatively warm areas alongside the US border.

Then how about the population? Though the land size is the second largest, it has only 37 million people making Canada's ranking 39th.

参考までに、一位はもちろん中国(14億5千万人), 2位はインド, 3位がアメリカで日本は11位(1億2700万人)です。
As you know, China has the largest population of 1,441 million people followed by India and then USA. Japan is the 11th with 127 million people.

カナダには10の州と3つの準州があります。州はProvince(発音はフランス語読みのプロバンス)で準州はTerritories (原住民のテリトリーの意味があるので必ず複数形をつかいます)。
There are ten provinces and 3 territories. ”Province" is pronounced “provance” like the French word, Province. Territories have to be always in plural because they consist of different territories, the aboriginal people’s communities.

Let’s look at the ten Provinces from west to east; British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskachewan, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia (means new Scotland), Prince Edward Island (PEI), and New Foundland.

Many Japanese know about “Anne of Green Gables.” However, surprisingly, almost no Canadian knew about it until Japanese tourists started to visit Anne’s homeland, PEI.

Alberta has popular Canadian Rocky Mountain sites like Banff, Lake Louise, and Jasper.

Territories from west to east: Yukon, Northwest, and Nunavut territories.
Many tourists go to Northwest territories to see the world famous “northern light.’

The top three biggest cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Toronto is in Ontario. It has the world famous Great Lakes and the Niagara Falls. Montreal is in the French speaking province, Quebec, and their maple syrups and ice wines are very popular worldwide. Vancouver where I live boasts beautiful scenery, mild weather, and international cuisines.

I will be writing about people and languages of Canada in my next blog.

間違えを恥ずかしがらないで。  Don't be embarrased by your mistakes.

2021-06-08 13:11:23 | 日記
I have two female cats.Though they don't get along very well, today they enjoy their afternoon nap together around the pot of oregano plants. Perhaps they like the fragrance ? The way they nap is quite unbecoming. But that's OK because cats don't have a sense of shame.

Japanese usually become very self-conscious when it comes to speaking English. In contrast the people from other countries are much more relaxed.

As Canada largely consists of immigrants whose first language is not English, we come across with many different English spoken by a variety of non-native speakers.

As I mentioned in my first blog, Canada is an English-French Bilingual country. And I live in the Province of British Columbia, which is English-speaking, as the name suggests.

I live in Vancouver. It is the second warmest city in Canada because it is located in the south end of the west coast and many immigrants from Asian countries like to settle here.

Though these Asian people may look somewhat similar to Japanese, their attitude towards English is very different.

Most Japanese in Japan would give up speaking English if they cant get it right. But the new immigrants here would try their best to communicate even with their vrery basic English skills.

Since Japanese are so used to studying English for the purpose of passing exams, they subconsciously think they cannot make mistakes even in casual conversations with friends or neighbors.

Now there are two significantt points for studying English. One is ACCURACY and the other is FLUENCY. Japanese often become too serious about accuracy, their fluency part gets forgotten.

You learn from your own mistakes. I can endorse the statement from my own experiences. Nothing will stay in your memory if you just leave the scene without saying anything.

もっと勇気を出して気楽に話してください。間違えを恥ずかしいなどと思わないで。"a"を使うのか"an"を使うのか、"the"を使うのかなんて悩まないでください。それは日常会 話に自信がついてからで良いのです。
Be bold and try communicating with many people. Do not feel embarrassed or ashamed of making mistakes. Do not spend time deciding "a", "an" or "the". You can worry about these when your basic conversation skills have developed.

Talk as often as possible with many people and don't worry about making mistakes. If you repeat this exercise, you will understand the importance of communication and your conversation skills will definitely improve.