∞開運ひとりごと♪~強運人生一本道∞ ☆(・∀・)!


6月16日(日)のつぶやき その1

2013-06-17 | ツイッターでつぶやき

「お金が目的でなかったら」ブログ更新しました。 goo.gl/Vtsq9


ホテル 宇宙 海面 30m SF モルディブ / “CNN.co.jp : 写真特集:海面下30メートル! 世界最大級の海中ホテル - (1/9)” htn.to/pBRaPz


Independence and Originality are your greatest assets.

It is your Idea that changes this world.

Thoughts create. Remember that you are the very center of the Universe.

I AM A SON OF GOD ! Eternal happiness is already mine.

I have good will towards all others; good fortune naturally comes my way.

The Good Word is the mighty force that brings forth happiness.

spiritual Insight gained through prayer is the seed of the fulfillment of your hopes.

Gratitude will cause even a barren desert to produce abundantly.

Looking through myself with spiritual eyes,I see my entire being filled with the spiritual light of health.

Be grateful to the mystic power of Life that sustains you today.

The secret of education is to awaken man to his good points.

Open your eyes! Awaken to the Truth ! all that you require is within you.

True love marches silently forward with far reaching benefits of mankind.

Thoughts are seeds. When you cherish loving thoughts within, divine order is naturally established without.

I am grateful to all things in the Universe; therefore,Health and Prosperity are naturally mine.

Be Happy! Be joyous! Happiness is infect ious; it echoes and re-echoes.




