A Special Day with Mountain Treasures
One day, Lily the rabbit, who loved food, decided to make a special meal with her friends on the island. Lily suggested, "Let's use the treasures from the mountain to make a special meal!" Everyone agreed and started preparing.
Torto the turtle slowly climbed the mountain slope and carefully gathered mushrooms. Monkey swung through the trees, picking ripe fruits. Owl used her night vision to find fragrant herbs during the night. Lily ran quickly through the mountain, collecting fresh wild vegetables.
They all worked together to cook. Torto made mushroom soup, Monkey made fruit dessert, Owl brewed herbal tea, and Lily made delicious wild vegetable tempura.
As they enjoyed their meal, Lily said, "It used to be easier to get these treasures, but now we had to work together to gather them. This meal tastes so good!" Then, Owl said, "Today is December 11th, International Mountain Day!" Everyone nodded and said, "It's important to take care of the mountain treasures!" They continued their meal happily.