Playing Antarctica on a Winter River
One cold winter day, Lily the Rabbit, Torto the Turtle, Monkey the Monkey, Bear the Bear, and Owl the Owl were playing on a boat in the river. The river water was very cold, and pieces of ice were floating by. Torto looked at the ice and said, "This ice looks like Antarctica."
"Antarctica has penguins," Torto continued. Monkey said, "I'll be a penguin!" and started waddling like a penguin. Everyone laughed.
Monkey then said, "Antarctica has icebergs." Bear said, "I'll be an iceberg!" and spread his arms wide to look like an iceberg. Everyone laughed again.
Bear then said, "Antarctica has the aurora." Owl said, "I'll be the aurora!" and flew around like the lights of the aurora.
Watching Owl, Lily said, "Today is December 14th, Antarctica Day!" Everyone said, "Pretending is fun, but this boat can't go to Antarctica!" They all laughed and had a fun day.