South Sea Island Magic (1995) / Nina Kealiiwahamana & Herb Ohta with friends
The Hawaiian All Starts (2006) /Billy Hew Ren, Barney Issacs & Herbert Ohta
Hawaii's Greatest Instrumentalists (1971) / The New Hawaiian Band
Hawaii's Greatest Hits, Vol.2  (1969) / The New Hawaiian Band
Hawaii's Greatest Hits (1968) / The New Hawaiian Band
Hawaii - The Best Selection from M & H Hawaii (2010) / Ohta-San
Ukulele Complete Best (2005) / Ohta-San, Lyle Ritz & Eddie Kamae
Island in the Stream - The Special Selection of Herb Ohta (2003) / Herb Ohta
An Enchanting Night In Hawaii (1987) / Herb Ohta & Tropical Winds
The Waves And The Sun (1981) / Herbert Ohta & The Surfside Orchestra
Folk Songs Of The Balkans (1980s) / Herb Ohta (Ohta-San)