#politics 新着一覧
Win by a Landslide(地滑り的勝利)
This Is What Happens When You Enforce Identity Politics.  🤪😂😈🦊🐔
Ewwww.  She Wins The Nasty Disgusting Biach Awards.  😀😂🤣😈🖕🤮
 Gender equality in politics
I Would Say E) But Lets Add And F) Arrest The Turdo.  😀😂🤣😈🧑‍✈️🚓🚔🚨🔒⏸🇨🇦
Stupid Is As Stupid Does.  😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣😈🇺🇸
Use The Tools Of The SJWs Against Them.  😀😂😎😈🛢️🔌⚧️
As The Photo Says, Some Jokes Just Write Themselves. 🤨😜🤪😀😂🤣😈🥒
the "Nanjing Massacre" is used by the Chinese government as a tool to criticize Japan.